EasRequireEncryptionResult Enum



EasRequireEncryptionResult may be unavailable for releases after Windows 10.

Represents the type of encryption required. These values are mapped against the HRESULT codes returned from the EAS policy engine.

public enum class EasRequireEncryptionResult
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasContract, 65536)]
enum class EasRequireEncryptionResult
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasContract), 65536)]
public enum EasRequireEncryptionResult
var value = Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasRequireEncryptionResult.notEvaluated
Public Enum EasRequireEncryptionResult

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows Desktop Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasContract (introduced in v1.0)


CanBeCompliant 2

This computer can be compliant by using the ApplyAsync method.HRESULT: S_OK but the user is not controlled.

Compliant 1

This computer is already DeviceProtected.HRESULT: S_OK and the user is controlled.

DeFixedDataNotSupported 4

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use FixedDataNotSupported.

DeHardwareNotCompliant 5

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use HardwareNotCompliant.

DeOsVolumeNotProtected 8

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use OsVolumeNotProtected.

DeProtectionNotYetEnabled 9

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use ProtectionNotYetEnabled.

DeProtectionSuspended 7

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use ProtectionSuspended.

DeWinReNotConfigured 6

This value is no longer supported. Starting with Windows 8.1, use LockNotConfigured.

FixedDataNotSupported 4

This computer cannot support device encryption because unencrypted fixed data volumes are present.HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_FIXED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED

HardwareNotCompliant 5

This computer does not meet the hardware requirements to support device encryption.HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_HARDWARE_NOT_COMPLIANT

LockNotConfigured 6

This computer cannot support device encryption because WinRE is not properly configured.HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_WINRE_NOT_CONFIGURED

NoFeatureLicense 10

This computer does not have a feature license.HRESULT: FVE_E_NO_FEATURE_LICENSE

NotEvaluated 0

The policy is not set for evaluation.

NotProvisionedOnAllVolumes 3

This computer is not provisioned to support device encryption. Enable BitLocker on all volumes to comply with device encryption policy. HRESULT: FVE_E_NOT_PROVISIONED_ON_ALL_VOLUMES

OsNotProtected 11

The operating system drive is not protected by BitLocker drive encryption.HRESULT: FVE_E_OS_NOT_PROTECTED

OsVolumeNotProtected 8

This computer is not provisioned with device encryption. Enable Device encryption on all volumes to comply with device encryption policy if it is supported. HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_OS_VOLUME_NOT_PROTECTED

ProtectionNotYetEnabled 9

Protection has not been enabled on the volume. Enabling protection requires a connected account. If you already have a connected account and are seeing this error, refer to the event log for more information.HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_PROTECTION_NOT_YET_ENABLED

ProtectionSuspended 7

Protection is enabled on this volume but has been suspended. This is most likely due to an update of your computer. Reboot and try again.HRESULT: FVE_E_DE_PROTECTION_SUSPENDED

UnexpectedFailure 12

An unexpected failure occurred.

Applies to

See also