SystemUpdateManagerState Enum


Enumeration that describes the current state of system updates.

public enum class SystemUpdateManagerState
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.System.SystemManagementContract, 393216)]
enum class SystemUpdateManagerState
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.System.SystemManagementContract), 393216)]
public enum SystemUpdateManagerState
var value = Windows.System.Update.SystemUpdateManagerState.idle
Public Enum SystemUpdateManagerState

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10, version 1809 (introduced in 10.0.17763.0)
API contract
Windows.System.SystemManagementContract (introduced in v6.0)


AttentionRequired 10

Update process cannot continue without user input.

Completed 9

Update process has been completed.

Detecting 1

Update manager is checking for available updates.

Downloading 3

System updates are downloading.

Error 11

An error has occurred. Check ExtendedError.

Finalizing 8

System updates are finalizing.

Idle 0

The SystemUpdateManager is idle.

Installing 5

System updates are installing.

ReadyToDownload 2

System updates are ready to download.

ReadyToFinalize 7

System updates are ready to finalize.

ReadyToInstall 4

System updates are ready to install.

RebootRequired 6

A reboot is required to complete the install.

Applies to