
This hypercall sends a virtual fixed interrupt to the specified virtual processor set. It does not support NMIs. This version differs from HvCallSendSyntheticClusterIpi in that a variable sized VP set can be specified.

The following checks should be used to infer the availability of this hypercall:

  • ExProcessorMasks must be indicated via CPUID leaf 0x40000004.


   _In_ UINT32 Vector,
   _In_ HV_INPUT_VTL TargetVtl,
   _In_ HV_VP_SET ProcessorSet

Call Code

0x0015 (Simple)

Input Parameters

Name Offset Size Information Provided
Vector 0 4 Specified the vector asserted. Must be between >= 0x10 and <= 0xFF.
TargetVtl 4 1 Target VTL
Padding 5 3
ProcessorSet 8 Variable Specifies a processor set representing VPs to target

See also