Function (Debug Interface Access SDK)
Each function is identified by a SymTagFunction
The following table shows the properties that are valid for this symbol type.
Property | Data type | Description |
IDiaSymbol::get_access | DWORD |
One of the values of the CV_access_e Enumeration, if the function is a member function. |
IDiaSymbol::get_addressOffset | DWORD |
Offset part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration. |
IDiaSymbol::get_addressSection | DWORD |
Section part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration. |
IDiaSymbol::get_classParent | IDiaSymbol* |
Symbol for the class, if the function is a member function. |
IDiaSymbol::get_classParentId | DWORD |
ID of the class parent symbol. |
IDiaSymbol::get_constType | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is marked as a constant. |
IDiaSymbol::get_customCallingConvention | BOOL |
TRUE if the function uses a custom calling convention (only in Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_farReturn | BOOL |
TRUE if the function performs a far return (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasAlloca | BOOL |
TRUE if the function uses allocated memory function (only uinnder DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasEH | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains C++-style exception handling (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasEHa | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains asynchronous exception handling (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasInlAsm | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains inline assembly (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasLongJump | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains a longjmp call (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasSecurityChecks | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains security checks (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasSEH | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains Win32-style structured exception handling (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_hasSetJump | BOOL |
TRUE if the function contains a setjmp call (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_interruptReturn | BOOL |
TRUE if the function has a return from interrupt (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_intro | BOOL |
TRUE if a function is intro virtual. |
IDiaSymbol::get_InlSpec | BOOL |
TRUE if the function has been marked with one of the inline, __inline, __forceinline attributes. |
IDiaSymbol::get_isNaked | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is marked with the naked attribute (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_isStatic | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is static (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_length | ULONGLONG |
Number of bytes of function code, starting from location. |
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent | IDiaSymbol* |
Symbol of the enclosing compiland. |
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParentId | DWORD |
ID of the lexical parent symbol. |
IDiaSymbol::get_locationType | DWORD |
Functions can have static or metadata locations; for details, see Symbol Locations. |
IDiaSymbol::get_name | BSTR |
Name of the function. |
IDiaSymbol::get_noInline | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is not an inline function (only n DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_notReached | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is not reachable (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_noReturn | BOOL |
TRUE if the function does not return a value (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_noStackOrdering | BOOL |
TRUE if the function was compiled with buffer security checks but no stack ordering could be done. |
IDiaSymbol::get_optimizedCodeDebugInfo | BOOL |
TRUE if the code has debug information for optimized code (only in DIA SDK V8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_pure | BOOL |
TRUE if function is pure virtual. |
IDiaSymbol::get_relativeVirtualAddress | DWORD |
Relative position of this function within its module. |
IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId | DWORD |
Index ID of symbol. |
IDiaSymbol::get_symTag | DWORD |
Returns SymTagFunction (one of the SymTagEnum Enumeration values). |
IDiaSymbol::get_token | DWORD |
Metadata token for the function. |
IDiaSymbol::get_type | IDiaSymbol* |
Symbol for the function signature. |
IDiaSymbol::get_typeId | DWORD |
ID of the type symbol. |
IDiaSymbol::get_unalignedType | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is unaligned. |
IDiaSymbol::get_undecoratedName | BSTR |
The undecorated form of the function name (only in DIA SDK v8.0 or later) |
IDiaSymbol::get_undecoratedNameEx | BSTR |
Part or all of the undecorated form of the function name (only in DIA SDK v8.0 or later). |
IDiaSymbol::get_virtual | BOOL |
TRUE if a virtual function. |
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualAddress | ULONGLONG |
Position of this function within the executable image. |
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualBaseOffset | DWORD |
If a virtual function, then the offset in the virtual function table. |
IDiaSymbol::get_volatileType | BOOL |
TRUE if the function is marked as volatile. |