
Enumerate the various injected sources contained in the data source.


IDiaEnumInjectedSources : IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaEnumInjectedSources.

Method Description
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::get__NewEnum Retrieves the IEnumVARIANT Interface version of this enumerator.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::get_Count Retrieves the number of injected sources.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::Item Retrieves an injected source by means of an index.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::Next Retrieves a specified number of injected sources in the enumeration sequence.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::Skip Skips a specified number of injected sources in an enumeration sequence.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::Reset Resets an enumeration sequence to the beginning.
IDiaEnumInjectedSources::Clone Creates an enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current enumerator.


Notes for Callers

This interface is obtained by calling the IDiaSession::findInjectedSource method with the name of a specific source file or by calling the IDiaSession::getEnumTables method with the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the IDiaEnumInjectedSources interface.


This example shows how to obtain (the GetEnumInjectedSources function) and use (the DumpAllInjectedSources function) the IDiaEnumInjectedSources interface. See the IDiaPropertyStorage interface for an implementation of the PrintPropertyStorage function. For an alternative output, see the IDiaInjectedSource interface.

IDiaEnumInjectedSources* GetEnumInjectedSources(IDiaSession *pSession)
    IDiaEnumInjectedSources* pUnknown    = NULL;
    REFIID                   iid         = __uuidof(IDiaEnumInjectedSources);
    IDiaEnumTables*          pEnumTables = NULL;
    IDiaTable*               pTable      = NULL;
    ULONG                    celt        = 0;

    if (pSession->getEnumTables(&pEnumTables) != S_OK)
        wprintf(L"ERROR - GetTable() getEnumTables\n");
        return NULL;
    while (pEnumTables->Next(1, &pTable, &celt) == S_OK && celt == 1)
        // There is only one table that matches the given iid
        HRESULT hr = pTable->QueryInterface(iid, (void**)&pUnknown);
        if (hr == S_OK)
    return pUnknown;

void DumpAllInjectedSources( IDiaSession* pSession)
    IDiaEnumInjectedSources* pEnumInjSources;

    pEnumInjSources = GetEnumInjectedSources(pSession);
    if (pEnumInjSources != NULL)
        IDiaInjectedSource* pInjSource;
        ULONG celt = 0;

        while(pEnumInjSources->Next(1, &pInjSource, &celt) == S_OK &&
              celt == 1)
            IDiaPropertyStorage *pPropertyStorage;
            if (pInjSource->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDiaPropertyStorage),
                                          (void **)&pPropertyStorage) == S_OK)


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See also