
Enumerates the various source link blobs contained in the data source.


IDiaEnumSourceLink : IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaEnumSourceLink.

Method Description
IDiaEnumSourceLink::Count Retrieves the number of source link blobs.
IDiaEnumSourceLink::SizeOfNext Retrieves the size of the next source link blob, without advancing the enumeration.
IDiaEnumSourceLink::Next Retrieves the next source link blob and advances the enumeration.
IDiaEnumSourceLink::Skip Skips a specified number of source link blobs in an enumeration sequence.
IDiaEnumSourceLink::Reset Resets an enumeration sequence to the beginning.
IDiaEnumSourceLink::Clone Creates an enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current enumerator.


Although Source Link is a well defined standard, the PDB and Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK only have limited support for it. Specifically the DIA SDK treats the source link as a simple blob of bytes. It is the responsiblity of the caller to interpret those bytes as the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ASCII, and so on), parse as a JSON file, enforce a particular schema, or use that information to map and download individual source files.

Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaSessionEx::getSourceLinkInfo method.

See also