Tutorial: Create multi-container apps with MySQL and Docker Compose

This article describes how to create multi-container apps with MySQL and Docker Compose. An app with multiple containers allows you to dedicate containers for specialized tasks, so each container can focus on a single task. There are many advantages to using multi-container apps:

  • Separate containers allow you to manage APIs and front-end resources differently than databases.
  • Multiple containers let you version and update versions in isolation.
  • Local databases can be maintained in containers and managed services used for databases in production.
  • Multi-container apps are more efficient than running multiple processes with a process manager, which adds complexity to container startup/shutdown.

In this tutorial, you:

  • Start MySQL
  • Run your multi-container app with MySQL
  • Create a Docker Compose file for your app
  • Run the application stack with Docker Compose


  • This article is part of a tutorial series. The procedures build on an established example that requires Docker Desktop for Linux containers.

    The recommended approach is to complete the first tutorial, Create a Docker container app, including satisfying the prerequisites, and also the tutorial, Persist data in your app. After you work through these tutorials, continue with the procedures described in this article.

  • The example in this article uses Docker Compose.

    Docker Desktop for Windows includes Docker Compose.

    Run the following command to verify your Docker installation:

    docker-compose version

Visual Studio Code

This tutorial series describes procedures for Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Review the following considerations for working in this environment:

  • Use the left menu to switch between DOCKER (Docker extension) view or the EXPLORER (file and folder) view:

    Screenshot that shows the Docker extension view and file/folder Explorer view in Visual Studio Code.

  • Open a command-line window in VS Code by selecting Terminal > New Terminal. You can also use the Ctrl+Shift+` (back tick) keyboard shortcut.

  • Unless otherwise specified, run commands in a Bash window. Most commands labeled for Bash run in a Bash window or in the VS Code command-line window.

Start MySQL database management system

By default, containers run in isolation. A container isn't aware of other processes or other containers on the same computer.

To enable communication between containers, they need to attach to the same network. Multiple containers on the same network can share data and process information with each other.

There are two ways to attach a container to a network. You can attach a container to a network during creation, or attach an existing container to a network at a later time.

In this example, you create the network and attach the MySQL container at startup.

  1. Create a network named todo-app:

    docker network create todo-app
  2. Start a MySQL container named todo-mysql-data and attach it to the todo-app network. The command creates a network alias mysql for the MySQL database todos.

    When you run the command, enter your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder.

    docker run -d 
        --network todo-app --network-alias mysql 
        -v todo-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql 
        -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your-password> 
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE=todos 

    This command also defines the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_DATABASE environment variables. For more information, see MySQL Docker Hub listing.


    This tutorial illustrates password credentials to authenticate with a MySQL database, which is not the most secure method. Refer to the MySQL documentation to learn about more secure methods of authentication.

  3. Get your container ID for use in the next step.

    docker ps
  4. Confirm you can connect to the container on the mysql network.

    When you run the command, enter your container ID for the <mysql-container-id> placeholder.

    docker exec -it <mysql-container-id> mysql -p

    At the prompt, enter the password you supplied when you created the todo-mysql-data container.

  5. In the MySQL shell, list the databases and verify you see the todos database.


    You should see the following output:

    | Database           |
    | information_schema |
    | mysql              |
    | performance_schema |
    | sys                |
    | todos              |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  6. To end the connection and return to the command-line prompt, enter exit.

Run your app with MySQL

The todo app supports setting certain environment variables to specify your MySQL connection settings. The following table lists the supported variables, and the values used in the example presented in this section.

Variable name Example value Description
MYSQL_HOST mysql The host name for the MySQL server.
MYSQL_USER root The username to use for the connection.
MYSQL_PASSWORD <your-password> The password to use for the connection. In this example, substitute your root password for the <your-password> placeholder.
MYSQL_DATABASE todos The name of the database to use after the connection is established.


Using environment variables to set connection settings is acceptable for development, but this practice isn't recommended for running applications in production. For more information, see Why you shouldn't use environment variables for secret data.

A more secure mechanism is to use the secret support provided by your container orchestration framework. In most cases, these secrets are mounted as files in the running container.

In the following example, you start your app and connect your app container to your MySQL container.

  1. Run the following docker command. Notice how the command specifies the environment variables described earlier.

    When you run the command, remember to enter your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder.

    docker run -dp 3000:3000 
      -w /app -v ${PWD}:/app 
      --network todo-app 
      -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql 
      -e MYSQL_USER=root 
      -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<your-password> 
      -e MYSQL_DATABASE=todos 
      sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
  2. In the VS Code editor, open the Docker extension view, right-click your app container, and select View Logs.

    You can also view the logs from the command line by using the docker logs command.

  3. Review the log output. Notice the line that indicates the app is connected to the MySQL database: Connected to mysql db at host mysql.

    # Previous log messages omitted
    $ nodemon src/index.js
    [nodemon] 1.19.2
    [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
    [nodemon] watching dir(s): *.*
    [nodemon] starting `node src/index.js`
    Connected to mysql db at host mysql
    Listening on port 3000
  4. In your internet browser, go to your running application: http://localhost:3000.

  5. In your running application, add some items to your todo list.

  6. Connect to the MySQL container database on the mysql network so you can check the database.

    When you run the command, enter your container ID for the <mysql-container-id> placeholder.

    docker exec -ti <mysql-container-id> mysql -p todos

    At the prompt, enter the password you supplied when you created the todo-mysql-data container.

  7. In the MySQL shell, verify that the todo_items you added are written to the todos database.

    use todos;
    select * from todo_items;

    You should see output similar to the following example:

    | id                                   | name               | completed |
    | c906ff08-60e6-44e6-8f49-ed56a0853e85 | Do amazing things! |         0 |
    | 2912a79e-8486-4bc3-a4c5-460793a575ab | Be awesome!        |         0 |

You now have an application that stores data in an external database running in a separate container. This procedure demonstrates how you can enable communication between containers by using networking.

Create Docker Compose file

Docker Compose helps you define and share multi-container applications. A Docker Compose file can specify all your required services, so you can start or end all related processes with a single command. You can define your application stack in a Docker Compose file at the root of your project repo, and maintain your configuration under version control. This approach allows others to contribute to your project when they clone your repo.

In the following example, you configure a Docker Compose file for your multi-container application todo.

  1. At the root of your todo app project, create a Docker Compose file named docker-compose.yml.


    By default, the YAML schema version is set to the most recent version. When you run your app, if your schema version is obsolete, you receive a warning message. To review current schema versions and a compatibility matrix, see Overview (Compose file).

  2. In the docker-compose.yml file, add the following elements. Specify your app name and start the list of services (or containers) that you want to run as part of your application.

    name: todo

    The list of services is unique for your app. Examples include app, web, db, proxy, and so on. You extend the definition for the services element in a later step.


    Indentation is significant in .yml files. If you're editing in VS Code, Intellisense indicates any errors in the format or syntax.

  3. Add the following code to your docker-compose.yml file after the services section.

    docker run -dp 3000:3000 
      -w /app -v ${PWD}:/app 
      --network todo-app 
      -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql 
      -e MYSQL_USER=root 
      -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<your-password> 
      -e MYSQL_DATABASE=todos 
      sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"

    Remember to enter your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder. You used this same command earlier to run your app container with MySQL.

  4. Return to the services definition in the docker-compose.yml file. Extend the definition by adding an entry to define the app service element, which includes the image for the container.

        image: node:20-alpine

    You can pick any name for the service. The name automatically becomes a network alias, which is useful when you define the MySQL service.

  5. Extend the app element definition to specify a command to execute.

        image: node:20-alpine
        command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
  6. Define the ports to use with the app service. Notice these ports correspond to the -p 3000:3000 argument for the command used to run the app with MySQL.

        image: node:20-alpine
        command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
          - 3000:3000
  7. Identify the working directory working_dir for the app service and also the mapped volumes.

        image: node:20-alpine
        command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
          - 3000:3000
        working_dir: /app
          - ./:/app

    When you define Docker Compose volumes, you can use relative paths based on the current directory.

  8. Specify environment variable definitions to use when you execute commands for the app service.

        image: node:20-alpine
        command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
          - 3000:3000
        working_dir: /app
          - ./:/app
          MYSQL_HOST: mysql
          MYSQL_USER: root
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: <your-password>
          MYSQL_DATABASE: todos

    Remember to enter your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder.

  9. Add the definition for the MySQL service mysql after the app service definition. Specify the element names and values as shown and with the same indentation.

        image: mysql:5.7

    The mysql service definition corresponds to the command you used earlier to start MySQL. When you define the service, it automatically receives the network alias.

  10. Identify the mapped volumes for the mysql service.

        image: mysql:5.7
          - todo-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
  11. Specify environment variable definitions to use when you execute commands for the mysql service.

        image: mysql:5.7
          - todo-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: <your-password>
          MYSQL_DATABASE: todos

    Remember to enter your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder.

  12. Define volume mapping for the entire app. Add a volumes: section after the services: section and with the same indentation.

  13. Confirm your completed docker-compose.yml file looks like the following example. You should see your MySQL root password for the <your-password> placeholder.

    name: todo
        image: node:20-alpine
        command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"
          - 3000:3000
        working_dir: /app
          - ./:/app
          MYSQL_HOST: mysql
          MYSQL_USER: root
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: <your-password>
          MYSQL_DATABASE: todos
        image: mysql:5.7
          - todo-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: <your-password>
          MYSQL_DATABASE: todos

Run the application stack with Docker Compose

Now you can try running your docker-compose.yml file.

  1. Stop any running instances of your application and database.

    Follow these steps in VS Code:

    1. Open the DOCKER (Docker extension) view.

    2. For each running container, right-click the container and select Remove.

  2. Start your multi-container app and all services.

    Follow these steps in VS Code:

    1. Open the EXPLORER (file and folder) view.

    2. Right-click the docker-compose.yml file and select Compose Up.

    You should see output similar to the following example:

    [+] Building 0.0s (0/0)
    [+] Running 2/2
    ✔ Container app-app-1    Started  0.9s 
    ✔ Container app-mysql-1  Running

    This operation creates the mapped volume for the app and the network. By default, Docker Compose creates a network specifically for the application stack.

  3. Review the logs for the running container.

    Follow these steps in VS Code:

    1. Open the DOCKER (Docker extension) view.

    2. Right-click the app container and select View Logs.

    You should see output similar to the following example:

    mysql_1  | 2019-10-03T03:07:16.083639Z 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
    mysql_1  | Version: '5.7.27'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    app_1    | Connected to mysql db at host mysql
    app_1    | Listening on port 3000

    The logs show the service name and instance number, such as app_1 at the start of each line. This format helps you to distinguish messages by service and instance. The logs from each service are interleaved into a single stream. This approach enables you to watch for timing-related issues.

  4. You can now go to your running application in your internet browser: http://localhost:3000.

Stop Docker Compose and running containers

When you're done with the app and containers, you can remove them.

Follow these steps in VS Code:

  1. Open the EXPLORER (file and folder) view.

  2. Right-click the docker-compose.yml file and select Compose Down.

This operation stops all running containers and removes the network.

By default, named volumes in your compose file aren't removed. If you want to remove these volumes, you can use the docker-compose down --volumes command.

Clean up resources

If you applied the Prerequisites components in this tutorial series to your installation, you can reuse the configuration for future Docker development. It's not essential to delete or uninstall any component.