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Convert typeof to nameof

This refactoring applies to:

  • C#
  • Visual Basic

What: Lets you convert an instance of typeof(<QualifiedType>).Name to nameof(<QualifiedType>) in C# and an instance of GetType(<QualifiedType>).Name to NameOf(<QualifiedType>) in Visual Basic.

When: All instances of typeof(<QualifiedType>).Name where someType isn't a generic type. This exclusion is necessary because this case doesn't return the same string value as nameof(<QualifiedType>). The same is true for the Visual Basic instance.

Why: Using nameof rather than the name of the type avoids the reflection involved with retrieving a type object, and is a more pragmatic way of writing it.


  1. Place your cursor within the typeof(<QualifiedType>).Name instance for C# or the GetType(<QualifiedType>).Name in Visual Basic.

  2. Press Ctrl+. to trigger the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu.

  3. Select from one of the following options:

    • C#
      Select Convert 'typeof' to 'nameof': Screenshot of the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu in Visual Studio with Convert 'typeof' to 'nameof' selected, and C# code changes shown.

    • Visual Basic
      Select Convert 'GetType' to 'NameOf': Screenshot of the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu in Visual Studio with Convert 'GetType' to 'NameOf' selected and Visual Basic code changes shown.

See also