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Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3 Release Notes

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This is not the latest version of Team Foundation Server. To download the latest release, please visit the current release notes for Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3. You can change the language of this page by clicking the globe icon in the page footer and selecting your desired language.

In this article, you will find information regarding Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3. Click the button to download.

Download Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1

To learn more about Team Foundation Server 2017, see the Team Foundation Server Requirements and Compatibility page.

Please see the TFS Install page for more information.

Release Notes Icon Release Date: May 17, 2022

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 15

We have released a patch for Team Foundation Server 2017.3.1 that fixes the following.

  • Revoke all personal access tokens after a user's Active Directory account is disabled.

Release Notes Icon Release Date: September 14, 2021

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 14

We have released a patch for Team Foundation Server 2017.3.1 that fixes the following.

Release Notes Icon Release Date: April 13, 2021

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 13

We have released a patch for Team Foundation Server 2017.3.1 that fixes the following.

To implement fixes for this patch you will have to install the AzureResourceGroupDeployment task.

AzureResourceGroupDeployment task installation


All the steps mentioned below need to be performed on a Windows machine


  1. Extract the package to a new folder on your computer.

  2. Download and install Node.js 14.15.1 and npm (included with the the Node.js download) according to your machine.

  3. Open a command prompt in administrator mode and run the following command to install tfx-cli.

npm install -g tfx-cli
  1. Create a personal access token with Full access privileges and copy it. This Personal access token will be used when running the tfx login command.

  2. Run the following from the command prompt. When prompted, enter the Service URL and Personal access token.

~$ tfx login
Copyright Microsoft Corporation

> Service URL: {url}
> Personal access token: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Logged in successfully

  1. Run the following command to upload the task on the server. Use the path of the extracted .zip file from step 1.
  ~$ tfx build tasks upload --task-path *<Path of the extracted package>*

Release Notes Icon Release Date: December 8, 2020

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 12

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2020-17145: Azure DevOps Server and Team Foundation Server Spoofing Vulnerability

Release Notes Icon Release Date: June 10, 2020

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 11

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • Adding support for SHA2 in SSH

Release Notes Icon Release Date: March 10, 2020

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 10

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following. Please see the blog post for more information.

Release Notes Icon Release Date: September 10, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 8

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bug. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2019-1305: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Repos

Release Notes Icon Release Date: August 13, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 7

We have released a patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bug. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • The Work Item Tracking Warehouse Sync stops syncing with an error: "TF221122: An error occurred running job Work Item Tracking Warehouse Sync for team project collection or Team Foundation server ATE. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot create compensating record. Missing historic data."

Release Notes Icon Release Date: July 9, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 6

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bug. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2019-1072: Remote code execution vulnerability in work item tracking

Release Notes Icon Release Date: May 14, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 5

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bugs. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2019-0872: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Test Plans
  • CVE-2019-0979: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the User hub

Release Notes Icon Release Date: April 9, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 4

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bugs. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2019-0866: Remote code execution vulnerability in Pipelines
  • CVE-2019-0868: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Pipelines
  • CVE-2019-0870: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Pipelines
  • CVE-2019-0871: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Pipelines

Release Notes Icon Release Date: March 12, 2019

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1 Patch 3

We have released a security patch for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 that fixes the following bug. Please see the blog post for more information.

  • CVE-2019-0777: Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Pipelines

Release Notes Icon Release Date: February 28, 2018

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3.1

This update fixes potential cross-site scripting (XSS) and other security vulnerabilities. See the blog post for more information. It is a full upgrade, so you can upgrade directly to TFS 2017 Update 3.1.

Release Notes Icon Release Date: November 6, 2017

Details of What's New in Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 3

This is an update for Team Foundation Server 2017 that includes bug fixes since Team Foundation Server 2017 Update 2.


  • Exporting a template with ASCII character code >127 does not have WebLayout and includes incorrect file names.
  • Board and Card Settings does not handle Work Item Type rename.
  • Kanban board card reordering in Turkish should be by stack rank.
  • REST API WorkItemSearchConditionalFaultIn should throw NotSupportedException for Search.
  • StructureChangeNotification event not firing for WIT.
  • Add link to more info when exceeding max links limit.
  • Optimize work item field data migration execution plan to improve upgrade performance.
  • Assigned To context menu should use combo string instead of display name to disambiguate.


  • Maven: Code coverage will now be generated.
  • HTML files will no longer default to Preview mode in the new Explorer.
  • We have added a scroll bar when viewing changesets.
  • We fixed the vertical scrolling in Web (both Code->Changesets as Files) will now work in IE 11/Chrome.
  • Scrolling now works in Source Explorer (IE/Edge).
  • You can now filter changesets for users who have left the project.
  • You are now able to select a file, then select back in the root directory, of the left tree, and remain in full screen mode.
  • The search URL will no longer throw an exception when it exceeds the defaulted supported length if there are a large number of repositories.
  • File folders are no longer configured if there is no default branch in the Git Repository.
  • Extension installs will not conflict with the jobs of previous extension uninstall operations.
  • We fixed Search and it now works despite job failures.
  • ReindexingStatus will no longer remain in an Inprogress state if the Accountfaultin job is run more than once.
  • TFVC crawl will no longer fail due to version control (VC) permission issues.
  • The Search function will no longer fail post upgrade to TFS 2017 Update 2 in the Japanese build.
  • The Search function will no longer fail as it did when upgrading from TFS Update 1 to TFS Update 2.
  • The Job Result message will now give more insights into the indexing.
  • We have reduced the Patch operation failure count.
  • TimeBoxed Crawler will now crawl at least one batch irrespective of job execution time limit.
  • We fixed patch operation KPIs for failed files to be consistent with logs for Search.
  • We improved the support for SSH protocol version in Git for Windows.


  • Error while attempting to register build agent: Authentication - "Insufficient stack to continue executing the program safely."
  • Update vsts-agent to carry new version of git.
  • Enable NuGet Tool Installer task in order to allow for NuGet.exe 4.3.0 to be included in builds for compatibility with .NET.
  • RequestedFor field of scheduled XAML build is not set.


  • Upgrade from TFS 2017 failing migration of Azure-based connected service-to-service endpoint.


  • Deploy Test Agent task has multiple issues on Win7-SP1 machine.
  • If the Test Agent path is incorrect, it is not logged as error, but appears only in debug.
  • Test run/task should not fail if an attachment upload failed.
  • GetTestPlatform API will look for a testplatform.config file in the probing directory based on configuration.
  • Drop indexes on dbo.tbl_TestResult to significantly improve upgrade performance.
  • Improve performance of test results migration servicing step to significantly improve upgrade performance.


  • The RDL Burndown Reports now shows the correct amount of time for deleted tasks.


  • Users page Public URL should match the calling URL such as when a load balancer is involved.

Known Issues

Work item forms do not render correctly in the web

  • Issue:

    If you have a custom control, such as the multi-value control, installed for the Visual Studio client but not the web client, work item forms in the web fail to render.

  • Workaround:

    You will need to update to the latest version of your control. It is necessary to add a web layout that does not contain the missing control element. You can find the latest multi-value control for TFS 2017 Update on the Custom Controls for TFS Work Item Tracking page. For more information on the layout, see All FORM XML elements reference (TFS 2015) page.

See customer-reported issues reported for Team Foundation Server 2017.

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