Configure 360 cycle settings

Although Manage Subjects appears first on the cycle page, we recommend setting up Cycle Settings first. There are five areas to set up. As you move through them, a filled blue circle confirms their completion.

Screenshot of the five sections to configure in Cycle Settings.


There are three sections to configure:

  • The Basics
  • Feedback provider category settings and confidentiality
  • Feedback provider response information

Select Save when you're done configuring the page.

The Basics

Screenshot of the first section to configure in Cycle Settings.

Feedback provider category settings and confidentiality

Screenshot of the second section to configure in Cycle Settings.

Select up to six feedback provider categories.

  • Standard categories automatically prepopulate feedback providers based on Manager Hierarchy.
  • Remove the Direct Reports category for individual contributor (IC) subjects.
  • Or ask IC subjects to skip adding feedback providers for the Direct Reports category for cycles with both managers and ICs.


Choose at least three feedback provider categories (in addition to Self) to ensure a true 360 view.

Feedback provider category Minimum confidentiality threshold Can subject or admin edit prepopulated feedback providers? How assigned
Self 1 No Required - All 360 subjects require a subject self assessment
Manager 1 Yes Prepopulates with the subject's direct manager
Skip Manager 1 Yes Prepopulates with the subject's direct manager's manager
Direct reports 3* Yes Prepopulates with the subject's direct reports
Peers 3* Yes Prepopulates with people who have the same direct manager as the subject
Custom 1 N/A Not commonly used, but could be used for a dotted line manager or mentor feedback
Custom 3* N/A Commonly used for Collaborators


*At least three feedback providers must respond at the survey level to show feedback in a subject's report. This requirement isn't applicable at the question level.

Edit a feedback provider category

Hover over and choose a category to open the Edit window for that category, which looks like this example:

Screenshot of an example of a window that opens to edit a feedback provider category.

Edit each field as you’d like. When editing in another language that is available in the dropdown menu, that language saves so you can come back to it later if further edits are needed.

Confidentiality Statements

You can increase the confidentiality threshold for some feedback provider categories but you can’t decrease the threshold below default values.

Dependent on the provider category, provider response information settings, and whether your organization included a privacy policy link in General Settings, the 360 confidentiality statement users see varies. Learn more about Viva Glint 360 privacy and confidentiality.

Feedback provider response information

This setting can’t be edited once a cycle is live. Choose between:

  • On (default): Subjects see feedback providers and if they've responded. In reports, subjects see which feedback providers responded per category, but responses are not tied to individual names.
  • Off: Subjects see feedback providers but can’t see whether they've responded. In reports, they see only the number of feedback providers who responded.

Screenshot of the Feedback Provider Response Information window.