Use Viva Glint’s Broader Team Insights feature

Team leaders who use Microsoft Viva Glint’s action taking tools see a significant increase in scores. However, up to 50% of managers’ teams are too small to allow them access to their own team’s results. By enabling Broader Team Insights (BTI), managers are empowered to significantly impact employee engagement.

Empower managers of small teams to use Broader Team Insights

Managers of small teams may not have enough team members with overall size or response rate size - to view their own team’s survey responses. Viva Glint considers this number to be a team of five or less respondents. While it's critical to protect survey respondents’ confidentiality, it's also critical to empower small team managers with feedback and action-taking capabilities. Broader Team Insights helps to bridge that gap.

Broader Team Insights isn't only limited to managers of small teams. Team leaders at all levels who use Broader Team Insights are better able to anchor their team’s feedback in the context of their larger department, have better conversations, and align actions.

What does the Broader Team Insights dashboard show?

The Broader Team Insights dashboard allows managers to review a high-level summary of their direct team leader’s results. For small team managers who don't have access to their own team’s results, this provides:

  • Visibility into their broader team’s opportunity areas
  • Access to dashboard and action-taking capabilities
  • Starters for ACT and 1:1 conversations
  • Ownership and accountability for their team’s engagement scores

By enabling bottom-up change, you can create more engaged people, align teams, and promote greater business performance.

How teams use Broader Team Insights

When a team’s number of responses fall below the confidentiality threshold, the team manager isn't able to view their own team’s results. With Broader Team Insights, however, the team leader can view the results of their direct leader’s team.

When results are ready, the team manager receives an email with a link to view results. When selecting this link, however, a message indicates that while there is no access to their own team’s results (because minimum confidentiality standards weren't met), a summary of the broader team’s results are available for reviewing and sharing.

This BTI summary report view provides this manager the opportunity to see guidance on how to have a conversation with their own team about the Broader Team Insights results and an abbreviated view of the Executive Summary report.

Set up Broader Team Insights

From the admin dashboard, Broader Team Insights is enabled following this procedure:

  1. Select Survey Programs.
  2. Select the program name to be enabled.
  3. Select Reporting.

Set up Program Roles

The first section in Reporting is Program Roles. In this section, you customize how your dashboard displays results and when your people can view survey results. This section allows set up by specific roles.


When a manager is in a role with Broader Team Insights enabled, cascaded results are based on their custom permissions, irrespective of their rollup managerial hierarchy. Decide whether this role’s reports are visible to directs only or are visible to their entire roll-up hierarchy. ON enables sharing of report. OFF disables the role from sharing reports.

  • Use the dropdown menu to assign report visibility to direct report or roll-up hierarchy.
  • The padlock icon symbolizes that this role isn't editable on this page and can only be edited in Program Setup.
  • Hovering over a role displays the trash can symbol. Select the trash can to remove that role.

How turnover affects what Broader Team Insights results display

Turnover within roles is inevitable. For this reason, as with action taking, we recommend that either HR or the next level up manager exports all feedback results to save and share offline as needed.

A manager’s feedback won't transfer to a new manager that fills that position. Feedback is specific to a manager at the time the survey is taken; survey results happen point-in-time, hence, only reflect results (if any) for the current manager in that position.

Choose Live versus Phased reports access

Once a survey is completed, it moves to the Completed section of the Program page, and you can view the access it has been assigned by hovering over the Reporting Access column. For more information, see Live vs Phased access.


Set a calendar reminder to grant Phased access to leaders without Live access permissions.

How to change access once User Roles are set

Access can be changed in Program Summary for upcoming cycles and Live cycles. All upcoming surveys for that program will be changed.

Follow these steps to change the access:

  1. In Program Summary switch the Approved status from YES to NO.
  2. Select Save Changes, then switch Approved status from NO to YES.