Quick search and hot key actions

Search for users, teams, objectives, and initiatives, and bring key actions in Viva Goals together in a seamless experience. With quick search, users can access data in Viva Goals fast, in not more than two commands.

With Quick search, a user can:

  • Make a check-in

  • Create an objective

  • Search for users, teams, objectives, and initiatives

Hot key support

Viva Goals supports various "hot key" combinations that let users perform common actions with a few keystrokes.

For Mac:

⌘ + Shift + C - Check-in on your objectives

⌘ + Shift + O - Create a new objective

⌘ + Shift + P - Create a new initiatives

⌘ + Shift + K - Open search

For Windows:

CTRL + Shift + C - Check-in on your objectives

CTRL + Shift + O - Create a new objective

CTRL + Shift + P - Create a new initiatives

CTRL + Shift + K - Open search