AcxDataFormatGetChannelMask function (acxdataformat.h)

The AcxDataFormatGetChannelMask function gets the channel mask for the specified data format.


ULONGLONG AcxDataFormatGetChannelMask(
  [in] ACXDATAFORMAT DataFormat


[in] DataFormat

The data format for which to retrieve the channel mask.

Return value

Returns a ULONGLONG value containing the channel mask.


The channel mask specifies the mapping of channels to speakers.

The following table shows the meaning of each bit in the channel mask:

Bit number Speaker position Description
0 FL Front left
1 FR Front right
2 FC Front center
3 LFE Low-frequency effects
4 BL Back left
5 BR Back right
6 FLC Front left of center
7 FRC Front right of center
8 BC Back center
9 SL Side left
10 SR Side right

ACX requirements

Minimum ACX version: 1.0

For more information about ACX versions, see ACX version overview.


Requirement Value
Header acxdataformat.h

See also