nfccx.h header
This header is used by nfpdrivers. For more information, see:
nfccx.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NFC_CX_LLCP_CONFIG_INIT The NFC_CX_LLCP_CONFIG_INIT function initializes the NFC_CX_LLCP_CONFIG structure. |
NfcCxDeviceDeinitialize The NfcCxDeviceDeinitialize function (nfccx.h) deinitializes a WDF device that was created during the AddDevice routine. |
NfcCxDeviceInitConfig Called by the client driver during its AddDevice routine to perform DeviceInit functions. During this process the following I/O callback functions are also exchanged. |
NfcCxDeviceInitialize The NfcCxDeviceInitialize function (nfccx.h) initializes a WDF device that was created during the AddDevice routine. |
NfcCxHardwareEvent Called by the client driver when a hardware event occurs like D0Entry and D0Exit callbacks to start or stop the device. For drivers that require firmware download on initialization or boot-up, it is recommended to move this call to a separate work item. However, the client driver is responsible for the following. |
NfcCxNciReadNotification Called by the client driver when a read packet is available. |
NfcCxRegisterSequenceHandler Called by the client driver during initialization to register for handling specific sequences. |
NfcCxSetLlcpConfig Called by the client driver to configure the LLCP parameters. |
NfcCxSetRfDiscoveryConfig Called by the client driver to configure the RF discovery parameters. |
NfcCxUnregisterSequenceHandler Called by the client driver during device shutdown to unregister for the previously registered sequence handler callback. |
Callback functions
EVT_NFC_CX_DEVICE_IO_CONTROL Called by the NFC CX to send an unhandled IOCTL to the client driver. |
EVT_NFC_CX_SEQUENCE_HANDLER Called by the NFC CX to notify the client driver to handle the specific registered sequence. |
EVT_NFC_CX_WRITE_NCI_PACKET Called by the NFC CX to send a write packet to the client driver. |
NFC_CX_CLIENT_CONFIG The NFC_CX_CLIENT_CONFIG structure is an input parameter to NfcCxDeviceInitConfig. |
NFC_CX_HARDWARE_EVENT The NFC_CX_HARDWARE_EVENT structure is an input parameter to NfcCxHardwareEvent. |
NFC_CX_LLCP_CONFIG The NFC_CX_LLCP_CONFIG structure is an input parameter to NfcCxSetLlcpConfig. |
NFC_CX_RF_DISCOVERY_CONFIG The NFC_CX_RF_DISCOVERY_CONFIG structure contains RF discovery configuration settings. Discovery configuration should be completed during initialization after calling NfcDxDeviceInitialize, otherwise an error is returned. |
NFCCX_DRIVER_GLOBALS The _NFCCX_DRIVER_GLOBALS structure contains global values for the Near Field Communications (NFC) CX driver. |
NFC_CX_CE_MODE_CONFIG This enumeration specifies CE listening mode flags. |
NFC_CX_DEVICE_MODE Specifies device mode flags. |
NFC_CX_DRIVER_FLAGS Specifies run-time driver flags. |
NFC_CX_HOST_ACTION The NFC_CX_HOST_ACTION enumeration specifies host actions. |
NFC_CX_NFCIP_MODE_CONFIG The NFC_CX_NFCIP_MODE_CONFIG enumeration specifies the NFC-IP initiator mode. |
NFC_CX_NFCIP_TGT_MODE_CONFIG The NFC_CX_NFCIP_TGT_MODE_CONFIG enumeration specifies NFC-IP target mode. |
NFC_CX_POLL_BAILOUT_CONFIG The NFC_CX_POLL_BAILOUT_CONFIG enumeration specifies poll mode bail out. |
NFC_CX_POLL_MODE_CONFIG The NFC_CX_POLL_MODE_CONFIG enumeration specifies poll mode. |
NFC_CX_SEQUENCE The NFC_CX_SEQUENCE enumeration specifies sequences. |
NFC_CX_TRANSPORT_TYPE The NFC_CX_TRANSPORT_TYPE enumeration specifies transport types. |