DXGK_QUERYSEGMENTOUT4 structure (d3dkmddi.h)

The DXGK_QUERYSEGMENTOUT4 structure contains memory segment information returned from the driver.


typedef struct _DXGK_QUERYSEGMENTOUT4 {
  UINT   NbSegment;
  BYTE   *pSegmentDescriptor;
  UINT   PagingBufferSegmentId;
  UINT   PagingBufferSize;
  UINT   PagingBufferPrivateDataSize;
  SIZE_T SegmentDescriptorStride;



Number of elements in the pSegmentDescriptor array. The DxgkDdiQueryAdapterInfo (DXGKQAITYPE_QUERYSEGMENT4) will be called twice. First time, NbSegment will be set to 0. The driver should return STATUS_SUCCESS and set NbSegment to the number of GPU memory segments in the adapter without accessing any other member of the structure. Second time, the driver will be called with the reported number of segments and the driver should fill all required information.


Pointer to the array of DXGK_SEGMENTDESCRIPTOR4 structures. The size of the array element is defined by SegmentDescriptorStride. The pSegmentDescriptor type has been changed to a BYTE* to help enforce the use of the stride as the method of iterating the array. The driver fills the array with information about each memory segment.


Segment identifier of the paging buffer. This is the index (starting from 1) of the segment in the pSegmentDescriptor array.


Paging buffer size.


Size, in bytes, of the driver-private data that will be provided with each paging buffer.


Size of the elements in the pSegmentDescriptor array in bytes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Header d3dkmddi.h (include D3dkmddi.h)

See also