D3DKMT_UMDFILENAMEINFO structure (d3dkmthk.h)

The D3DKMT_UMDFILENAMEINFO structure contains the name of an OpenGL ICD that is based on the specified version of the DirectX runtime.


typedef struct _D3DKMT_UMDFILENAMEINFO {
  [in]  KMTUMDVERSION Version;
        WCHAR         UmdFileName[MAX_PATH];


[in] Version

A KMTUMDVERSION-typed value that indicates the version of the DirectX runtime to retrieve the name of an OpenGL ICD for. The following table lists the possible values.

Value Meaning
KMTUMDVERSION_DX9 (0) DirectX version 9.0
KMTUMDVERSION_DX10 (1) DirectX version 10.0
KMTUMDVERSION_DX11 (2) DirectX version 11.0

[out] UmdFileName[MAX_PATH]

A string that contains the name of the OpenGL ICD.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)