D3DDDICAPS_TYPE enumeration (d3dumddi.h)
A D3DDDICAPS_TYPE enumeration value identifies the capability information that is being queried by the D3D runtime in a call to the driver's PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS function.
typedef enum _D3DDDICAPS_TYPE {
D3DDDICAPS_DDRAW The driver receives a pointer to a DDRAW_CAPS structure. |
D3DDDICAPS_DDRAW_MODE_SPECIFIC The driver receives a pointer to a DDRAW_MODE_SPECIFIC_CAPS structure. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETFORMATCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of surface formats from the D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration type that the device supports. See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETFORMATDATA The driver receives a pointer to an array of FORMATOP structures for the surface formats that the device supports. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3DQUERYCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of query types that the driver supports. See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3DQUERYDATA The driver receives a pointer to an array of structures or data types for different query types, which are represented by values of the D3DDDIQUERYTYPE enumeration type. For more information about D3DDDIQUERYTYPE, see the QueryType member of the D3DDDIARG_CREATEQUERY structure. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D3CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DHAL_GLOBALDRIVERDATA structure. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D5CAPS This value is not used. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D6CAPS This value is not used. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D7CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DHAL_D3DEXTENDEDCAPS structure. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D8CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DCAPS8 structure, which is described in the DirectX 8.0 SDK documentation. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETD3D9CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DCAPS9 structure, which is described in the DirectX 9.0 SDK documentation. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODEGUIDCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) decode types (that is, decode GUIDs) that the driver supports. See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODEGUIDS The driver receives a pointer to an array of DirectX VA decode types (that is, decode GUIDs) that the driver supports. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODERTFORMATCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of render target formats for a particular DirectX VA decode type (which is specified by the pInfo member of the D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure that the pData parameter of the PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS function points to). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODERTFORMATS The driver receives a pointer to an array of D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration types that represent the render target formats for a particular DirectX VA decode type (which is specified in a DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODECOMPRESSEDBUFFERINFOCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of types of compressed buffers that are required to accelerate a particular DirectX VA video decode type (which is specified in a DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODECOMPRESSEDBUFFERINFO The driver receives an array of DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERINFO structures that contain information about the types of compressed buffers that are required to accelerate a particular DirectX VA video decode type (which is specified in a DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODECONFIGURATIONCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of configurations for a particular render target format of a DirectX VA decode type (which is specified in a DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETDECODECONFIGURATIONS The driver receives a pointer to an array of DXVADDI_CONFIGPICTUREDECODE structures for the configurations for a particular render target format of a DirectX VA decode type (which is specified in a DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORDEVICEGUIDCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of video processor device types (GUIDs) that are used to process a particular video stream (which is specified in a DXVADDI_VIDEODESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORDEVICEGUIDS The driver receives a pointer to an array of video processor device types (GUIDs) that are used to process a particular video stream (which is specified in a DXVADDI_VIDEODESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORRTFORMATCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of render target formats for a particular DirectX VA video processor device type (which is pointed to by the pVideoProcGuid member of a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORRTFORMATS The driver receives a pointer to an array of D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration types that represent the render target formats for a particular DirectX VA video processor device type (which is pointed to by the pVideoProcGuid member of a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORRTSUBSTREAMFORMATCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of render target formats for a particular DirectX VA video processor substream (which is pointed to by the pVideoProcGuid member of a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORRTSUBSTREAMFORMATS The driver receives a pointer to an array of D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration types that represent the render target formats for a particular DirectX VA video processor substream (which is pointed to by the pVideoProcGuid member of a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETVIDEOPROCESSORCAPS The driver receives a pointer to a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORCAPS structure that contains information about the video processing capabilities on a particular video stream (which is specified in a DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETPROCAMPRANGE The driver receives a pointer to a DXVADDI_VALUERANGE structure that contains the range of allowed values for a particular ProcAmp control property on a particular video stream (which is specified in a DXVADDI_QUERYPROCAMPINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_FILTERPROPERTYRANGE The driver receives a pointer to a DXVADDI_VALUERANGE structure that contains the range of allowed values for a particular filter setting on a particular video stream (which is specified in a DXVADDI_QUERYFILTERPROPERTYRANGEINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETEXTENSIONGUIDCOUNT The driver receives a pointer to the number of extension GUIDs that are supported. See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETEXTENSIONGUIDS The driver receives a pointer to an array of extension GUIDs that are supported. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETEXTENSIONCAPS The driver receives a pointer to a private structure that contains information about a capability of an extension GUID (which is specified in a DXVADDI_QUERYEXTENSIONCAPSINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo). |
D3DDDICAPS_GETGAMMARAMPCAPS The driver receives a pointer to a DDIGAMMACAPS structure for the gamma-ramp capabilities that the device supports. |
D3DDDICAPS_CHECKOVERLAYSUPPORT The driver receives a pointer to a D3DOVERLAYCAPS structure that contains information about the capabilities of a particular overlay. The attributes of the overlay and the display mode in which the calling application wants to use the overlay are specified in a DDICHECKOVERLAYSUPPORTINPUT structure that is pointed to by pInfo. If the driver supports the overlay, the driver sets the members of the D3DOVERLAYCAPS; otherwise, the driver fails the call to its PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS function with either D3DDDIERR_UNSUPPORTEDOVERLAYFORMAT or D3DDDIERR_UNSUPPORTEDOVERLAY depending on whether the lack of support was based on the overlay format. D3DOVERLAYCAPS is described in the DirectXSDK documentation. For more information, see Overlay DDI. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPDEVCAPS The driver receives a pointer to a ns-d3dumddi-_dxvahdddi_vpdevcaps structure for the video processor capabilities that the decode device (which is specified in a DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo) supports. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPOUTPUTFORMATS The driver receives an array of D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration types that represent the output formats for the decode device (which is specified in a DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo). Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPINPUTFORMATS The driver receives an array of D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration types that represent the input formats for the decode device (which is specified in a DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo). Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPCAPS The driver receives an array of DXVAHDDDI_VPCAPS structures for the capabilities for each video processor that the decode device (which is specified in a DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC structure that is pointed to by pInfo) supports. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPCUSTOMRATES The driver receives an array of DXVAHDDDI_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA structures for the custom frame rates that a video processor (which is specified by a CONST_GUID that is pointed to by pInfo) supports. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPFILTERRANGE The driver receives a pointer to a DXVAHDDDI_FILTER_RANGE_DATA structure for the range that the filter (which is specified by a DXVAHDDDI_FILTER enumeration value that is pointed to by pInfo) supports. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS structure for the specific encryption and decode combination (which is specified in a DDICONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS structure that is pointed to by pInfo) that the driver should use. D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS is described in the DirectXSDK documentation. For more information, see Content Protection DDI. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETCERTIFICATESIZE The driver receives a pointer to a number that specifies the size, in bytes, of the driver's certificate that is used for a channel type. The runtime uses this size to allocate a buffer to hold the certificate. The runtime passes this buffer in the PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS call with D3DDDICAPS_GETCERTIFICATE set. Supported starting with Windows 7. See Remarks. |
D3DDDICAPS_GETCERTIFICATE The driver receives a pointer to the driver's certificate (which is described in a DDICERTIFICATEINFO structure that is pointed to by pInfo). The runtime passes a buffer in the pData member of the D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure that the driver can fill with the certificate. Supported starting with Windows 7. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_ARCHITECTURE_INFO The driver receives a pointer to a D3DDDICAPS_ARCHITECTURE_INFO structure that contains information about the DirectX 11.1 adapter architecture that the device supports. Supported starting with Windows 8. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT The driver receives a pointer to a D3D11_DDI_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT_DATA structure that specifies the minimum precision levels that the driver supports in shaders. Supported starting with Windows 8. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS structure that specifies basic multiplane overlay capabilities. In this case, the members of the D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure indicate the following: * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.Type has a value of D3DDDICAPS_GET_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS.If the PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS function is called with this value for Type and the driver does not support multiplane overlays, the driver should return an error code. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.pInfo is a pointer of type D3DDDI_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCE_ID to the zero-based identification number of the video present source, VidPnSourceId. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.pData is a pointer of type D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS to the capabilities structure that the driver fills out. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.DataSize is the value of sizeof(D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS) .Supported starting with Windows 8.1. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FILTER_RANGE Reserved for system use. Do not use in your driver. Supported starting with Windows 8. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS The driver receives a pointer to a D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS structure that specifies a group of overlay plane capabilities. In this case, the members of the D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure indicate the following: * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.Type has a value of D3DDDICAPS_GET_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS.If the PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS function is called with this value for Type and the driver does not support multiplane overlays, the driver should return an error code. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.pInfo is a pointer of type D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS_INPUT to the zero-based identification number of the video present source, VidPnSourceId, and to the capability group index, GroupIndex. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.pData is a pointer of type D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS to the capabilities structure that the driver fills out. * D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS.DataSize is the value of sizeof(D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS) .Supported starting with Windows 8.1. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_SIMPLE_INSTANCING_SUPPORT The driver receives a pointer to a D3DDDICAPS_SIMPLE_INSTANCING_SUPPORT structure that specifies simple instancing capabilities. Supported starting with Windows 8.1. |
D3DDDICAPS_GET_MARKER_CAPS Supported starting with Windows 8.1. |
For information on how to specify D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS member values along with D3DDDICAPS_TYPE constant values, see Remarks of PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows Vista |
Header | d3dumddi.h (include D3dumddi.h) |