IDebugClient5::GetIdentityWide method (dbgeng.h)

The GetIdentityWide method returns a string describing the computer and user this client represents.


HRESULT GetIdentityWide(
  [out, optional] PWSTR  Buffer,
  [in]            ULONG  BufferSize,
  [out, optional] PULONG IdentitySize


[out, optional] Buffer

Specifies the buffer to receive the string. If Buffer is NULL, this information is not returned.

[in] BufferSize

Specifies the size of the buffer Buffer.

[out, optional] IdentitySize

Receives the size of the string. If IdentitySize is NULL, this information is not returned.

Return value

This method may also return error values. See Return Values for more details.

Return code Description
The method was successful
The size of the string was greater than the size of the buffer, so it was truncated to fit into the buffer.


The specific content of the string varies with the operating system. If the client is remotely connected, some network information may also be present.

For more information about client objects, see Client Objects.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dbgeng.h (include Dbgeng.h)

See also

