IDebugControl2 interface (dbgeng.h)
The IDebugControl2 interface inherits from IDebugControl. IDebugControl2 also has these types of members:
The IDebugControl2 interface has these methods.
IDebugControl2::AddBreakpoint The AddBreakpoint method creates a new breakpoint for the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::AddEngineOptions The AddEngineOptions method turns on some of the debugger engine's options. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::AddExtension The AddExtension method loads an extension library into the debugger engine. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::Assemble The Assemble method assembles a single processor instruction. The assembled instruction is placed in the target's memory. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
IDebugControl2::CallExtension The CallExtension method calls a debugger extension. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::CloseLogFile The CloseLogFile method closes the currently-open log file. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::CoerceValue The CoerceValue method converts a value of one type into a value of another type. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::CoerceValues The CoerceValues method converts an array of values into an array of values of different types. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::ControlledOutput The IDebugControl2::ControlledOutput method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that were registered with some of the engine's clients. |
IDebugControl2::ControlledOutputVaList The IDebugControl2::ControlledOutputVaList method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks registered with some of the engine's clients. |
IDebugControl2::Disassemble The Disassemble method disassembles a processor instruction in the target's memory. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::Evaluate The Evaluate method evaluates an expression, returning the result. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::Execute The Execute method executes the specified debugger commands. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::ExecuteCommandFile The ExecuteCommandFile method opens the specified file and executes the debugger commands that are contained within. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
IDebugControl2::GetActualProcessorType The IDebugControl2::GetActualProcessorType method returns the processor type of the physical processor of the computer that is running the target. |
IDebugControl2::GetBreakpointById The GetBreakpointById method returns the breakpoint with the specified breakpoint ID. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetBreakpointByIndex The GetBreakpointByIndex method returns the breakpoint located at the specified index. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetBreakpointParameters The GetBreakpointParameters method returns the parameters of one or more breakpoints. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetCodeLevel The GetCodeLevel method returns the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetCurrentSystemUpTime The IDebugControl2::GetCurrentSystemUpTime method returns the number of seconds the current target's computer has been running since it was last started. |
IDebugControl2::GetCurrentTimeDate The GetCurrentTimeDate method returns the time of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetDebuggeeType The GetDebuggeeType method describes the nature of the current target. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset The GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset method returns the address of the last instruction disassembled using Disassemble. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
IDebugControl2::GetDumpFormatFlags The IDebugControl2::GetDumpFormatFlags method returns the flags that describe what information is available in a dump file target. |
IDebugControl2::GetEffectiveProcessorType The IDebugControl2::GetEffectiveProcessorType method returns the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
IDebugControl2::GetEngineOptions Learn how to use the IDebugControl2::GetEngineOptions method, which returns the engine's options. |
IDebugControl2::GetEventFilterCommand Learn how the GetEventFilterCommand method returns the debugger command that the engine executes when a specified event occurs. |
IDebugControl2::GetEventFilterText Learn about the GetEventFilterText method, which returns a short description of an event for a specific filter. |
IDebugControl2::GetExceptionFilterParameters Learn about the GetExceptionFilterParameters method, which returns the parameters for exception filters specified by exception codes or by index. |
IDebugControl2::GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand This method returns the command that's executed by the debugger engine upon the second chance of a specified exception. |
IDebugControl2::GetExecutingProcessorType This method returns the executing processor type for the processor for which the last event occurred. |
IDebugControl2::GetExecutionStatus Learn how this method returns information about the execution status of the debugger engine. |
IDebugControl2::GetExtensionByPath Learn about the GetExtensionByPath method, which returns the handle for an already loaded extension library. |
IDebugControl2::GetExtensionFunction Learn about the GetExtensionFunction method, which returns a pointer to an extension function from an extension library. |
IDebugControl2::GetInterrupt Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetInterrupt method, which checks whether a user interrupt was issued. |
IDebugControl2::GetInterruptTimeout Learn about the GetInterruptTimeout method, which returns the number of seconds that the engine will wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
IDebugControl2::GetLastEventInformation Learn about the GetLastEventInformation method, which returns information about the last event that occurred in a target. |
IDebugControl2::GetLogFile Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetLogFile method, which returns the name of the currently open log file. |
IDebugControl2::GetLogMask Learn about the IDebugControl2::GetLogMask method, which returns the output mask for the currently open log file. |
IDebugControl2::GetNearInstruction Learn about the GetNearInstruction method, which returns the location of a processor instruction relative to a given location. |
IDebugControl2::GetNotifyEventHandle Learn about the GetNotifyEventHandle method, which receives the handle of the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberBreakpoints Learn about the GetNumberBreakpoints method, which returns the number of breakpoints for the current process. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberEventFilters Learn about the GetNumberEventFilters method, which returns the number of event filters currently used by the engine. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn how this method returns the number of processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberProcessors Learn about the GetNumberProcessors method, which returns the number of processors on the computer running the current target. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes Learn about the GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes method, which returns the number of processor types supported by the engine. |
IDebugControl2::GetNumberTextReplacements The GetNumberTextReplacements method returns the number of currently defined user-named and automatic aliases. This method belongs to IDebugControl2. |
IDebugControl2::GetPageSize Learn about the GetPageSize method, which returns the page size for the effective processor mode. |
IDebugControl2::GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes Learn about the GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes method, which returns the processor types that are supported by the computer running the current target. |
IDebugControl2::GetProcessorTypeNames Learn about the GetProcessorTypeNames method, which returns the full name and abbreviated name of the specified processor type. |
IDebugControl2::GetPromptText Learn how the GetPromptText method returns the standard prompt text that's prepended to the formatted output in the OutputPrompt and OutputPromptVaList methods. |
IDebugControl2::GetRadix Learn how the GetRadix method returns the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions or symbol information. |
IDebugControl2::GetReturnOffset Learn about the GetReturnOffset method, which returns the return address for the current function. |
IDebugControl2::GetSpecificFilterArgument Learn about the GetSpecificFilterArgument method, which returns the value of filter argument for the specific filters that have an argument. |
IDebugControl2::GetSpecificFilterParameters Learn about the GetSpecificFilterParameters method, which returns the parameters for specific event filters. |
IDebugControl2::GetStackTrace Learn about the GetStackTrace method, which returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. |
IDebugControl2::GetSupportedProcessorTypes Learn about the GetSupportedProcessorTypes method, which returns the processor types supported by the debugger engine. |
IDebugControl2::GetSystemErrorControl Learn about the GetSystemErrorControl method, which returns the control values for handling system errors. |
IDebugControl2::GetSystemVersion Learn about the GetSystemVersion method, which returns information that identifies the operating system on the computer that's running the current target. |
IDebugControl2::GetTextMacro Learn about the IDebugControl2.GetTextMacro method, which returns the value of a fixed-name alias. |
IDebugControl2::GetTextReplacement The GetTextReplacement method returns the value of a user-named alias or an automatic alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::GetWindbgExtensionApis32 Learn about the GetWindbgExtensionApis32 method, which returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
IDebugControl2::GetWindbgExtensionApis64 Learn about the GetWindbgExtensionApis64 method, which returns a structure that facilitates using the WdbgExts API. |
IDebugControl2::IsPointer64Bit Learn about the IsPointer64Bit method, which determines if the effective processor uses 64-bit pointers. |
IDebugControl2::OpenLogFile Learn about the OpenLogFile method, which opens a log file that receives output from the client objects. |
IDebugControl2::Output Learn how the Output method formats a string and sends the result to output callbacks that have been registered with the engine's clients. |
IDebugControl2::OutputCurrentState Learn about the OutputCurrentState method, which prints the current state of the current target to the debugger console. |
IDebugControl2::OutputDisassembly Learn about the OutputDisassembly method, which disassembles a processor instruction and sends the disassembly to the output callbacks. |
IDebugControl2::OutputDisassemblyLines This method disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks. |
IDebugControl2::OutputPrompt Learn about the OutputPrompt method, which formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
IDebugControl2::OutputPromptVaList Learn about the OutputPromptVaList method, which formats and sends a user prompt to the output callback objects. |
IDebugControl2::OutputStackTrace Learn about the OutputStackTrace method, which outputs either the supplied stack frame or the current stack frames. |
IDebugControl2::OutputTextReplacements The IDebugControl2::OutputTextReplacements method prints all the currently defined user-named aliases to the debugger's output stream. |
IDebugControl2::OutputVaList Learn about the OutputVaList method, which formats a string and sends the result to the output callbacks that are registered with the engine's clients. |
IDebugControl2::OutputVersionInformation Learn about the OutputVersionInformation method, which prints version information about the debugger engine to the debugger console. |
IDebugControl2::ReadBugCheckData Learn about the ReadBugCheckData method, which reads the kernel bug check code and related parameters. |
IDebugControl2::RemoveBreakpoint Learn about the IDebugControl2.RemoveBreakpoint method, which removes a breakpoint. This method might also return other error values. |
IDebugControl2::RemoveEngineOptions Learn about the RemoveEngineOptions method, which turns off some of the engine's options. You can specify which options to turn off. |
IDebugControl2::RemoveExtension Learn about the IDebugControl2.RemoveExtension method, which unloads an extension library. You can specify the handle of the extension library to unload. |
IDebugControl2::RemoveTextReplacements The RemoveTextReplacements method removes all user-named aliases. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::ReturnInput Learn about the ReturnInput method, which is used by IDebugInputCallbacks objects to send an input string to the engine following a request for input. |
IDebugControl2::SetCodeLevel Learn about the SetCodeLevel method, which sets the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. |
IDebugControl2::SetEffectiveProcessorType Learn about the SetEffectiveProcessorType method, which sets the effective processor type of the processor of the computer that is running the target. |
IDebugControl2::SetEngineOptions Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetEngineOptions method, which changes the engine's options that you specify. |
IDebugControl2::SetEventFilterCommand Learn about the SetEventFilterCommand method, which sets a debugger command for the engine to execute when a specified event occurs. |
IDebugControl2::SetExceptionFilterParameters Learn about the SetExceptionFilterParameters method, which changes the break status and handling status for some exception filters. |
IDebugControl2::SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand Learn how the SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand method sets the command that's executed by the debugger engine on the second chance of a specified exception. |
IDebugControl2::SetExecutionStatus The SetExecutionStatus method requests that the debugger engine enter an executable state. Actual execution doesn't occur until the next time WaitForEvent is called. |
IDebugControl2::SetInterrupt Learn about the SetInterrupt method, which registers a user interrupt or breaks into the debugger. |
IDebugControl2::SetInterruptTimeout Learn about the SetInterruptTimeout method, which sets the number of seconds that the debugger engine should wait when requesting a break into the debugger. |
IDebugControl2::SetLogMask Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetLogMask method, which sets the output mask for the currently open log file. |
IDebugControl2::SetNotifyEventHandle Learn about the SetNotifyEventHandle method, which sets the event that will be signaled after the next exception in a target. |
IDebugControl2::SetRadix The SetRadix method sets the default radix used by the debugger engine when it evaluates and displays MASM expressions and symbol information. |
IDebugControl2::SetSpecificFilterArgument Learn about the SetSpecificFilterArgument method, which sets the value of filter argument for the specific filters that can have an argument. |
IDebugControl2::SetSpecificFilterParameters Learn about the SetSpecificFilterParameters method, which changes the break status and handling status for some specific event filters. |
IDebugControl2::SetSystemErrorControl Learn about the SetSystemErrorControl method, which sets the control values for handling system errors. |
IDebugControl2::SetTextMacro Learn about the IDebugControl2.SetTextMacro method, which sets the value of a fixed-name alias. |
IDebugControl2::SetTextReplacement The SetTextReplacement method sets the value of a user-named alias. This method belongs to the IDebugControl2 interface. |
IDebugControl2::WaitForEvent Learn about the WaitForEvent method, which waits for an event that breaks into the debugger engine application. |
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | dbgeng.h (include Dbgeng.h) |