IModelObject::GetTargetInfo method (dbgmodel.h)
The GetTargetInfo method is effectively a combination of the GetLocation and GetTypeInfo methods returning both the abstract location as well as native type of the given object.
HRESULT GetTargetInfo(
Location *location,
IDebugHostType **type
The abstract location of the native object represented by the this pointer will be returned here.
The native type of the object represented by the this pointer will be returned here as an IDebugHostType interface.
This method returns HRESULT that indicates success or failure.
Code Sample
ComPtr<IModelObject> spObject; /* get an object */
Location loc;
ComPtr<IDebugHostType> spType;
if (SUCCEEDED(spObject->GetTargetInfo(&loc, &spType)))
// loc has a valid location
// spType has a valid type -- the type of the object
Requirement | Value |
Header | dbgmodel.h |