fwpsk.h header
This header is used by network. For more information, see:
fwpsk.h contains the following programming interfaces:
FwpsAcquireClassifyHandle0 The FwpsAcquireClassifyHandle0 function generates a classification handle that is used to identify asynchronous classification operations and requests for writable layer data.Note FwpsAcquireClassifyHandle0 is a specific version of FwpsAcquireClassifyHandle. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsAcquireWritableLayerDataPointer0 The FwpsAcquireWritableLayerDataPointer0 function returns layer-specific data that can be inspected and changed.Note FwpsAcquireWritableLayerDataPointer0 is a specific version of FwpsAcquireWritableLayerDataPointer. |
FwpsAleEndpointCreateEnumHandle0 The FwpsAleEndpointCreateEnumHandle0 function creates a handle that can be used with other application layer enforcement (ALE) endpoint functions to enumerate endpoint data.Note FwpsAleEndpointCreateEnumHandle0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointCreateEnumHandle. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsAleEndpointDestroyEnumHandle0 The FwpsAleEndpointDestroyEnumHandle0 function destroys an endpoint enumeration handle that was created by calling FwpsAleEndpointCreateEnumHandle0.Note FwpsAleEndpointDestroyEnumHandle0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointDestroyEnumHandle. |
FwpsAleEndpointEnum0 The FwpsAleEndpointEnum0 function enumerates application layer enforcement (ALE) endpoints.Note FwpsAleEndpointEnum0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointEnum. |
FwpsAleEndpointGetById0 The FwpsAleEndpointGetById0 function retrieves information about an application layer enforcement (ALE) endpoint.Note FwpsAleEndpointGetById0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointGetById. |
FwpsAleEndpointGetSecurityInfo0 The FwpsAleEndpointGetSecurityInfo0 function retrieves security information about the application layer enforcement (ALE) endpoint enumeration session.Note FwpsAleEndpointGetSecurityInfo0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointGetSecurityInfo. |
FwpsAleEndpointSetSecurityInfo0 The FwpsAleEndpointSetSecurityInfo0 function sets security information about the application layer enforcement (ALE) endpoint enumeration session.Note FwpsAleEndpointSetSecurityInfo0 is a specific version of FwpsAleEndpointSetSecurityInfo. |
FwpsAllocateCloneNetBufferList0 The FwpsAllocateCloneNetBufferList0 function allocates a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure that is a clone of an existing NET_BUFFER_LIST structure.Note FwpsAllocateCloneNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsAllocateCloneNetBufferList. |
FwpsAllocateDeepCloneNetBufferList0 The FwpsAllocateDeepCloneNetBufferList0 function allocates a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure that is a deep clone of an existing NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
FwpsAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList0 The FwpsAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList0 function allocates a new NET_BUFFER_LIST structure.Note FwpsAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList. |
FwpsApplyModifiedLayerData0 The FwpsApplyModifiedLayerData0 function applies changes to layer-specific data made after a call to FwpsAcquireWritableLayerDataPointer0.Note FwpsApplyModifiedLayerData0 is a specific version of FwpsApplyModifiedLayerData. |
FwpsCalloutRegister0 The FwpsCalloutRegister0 function registers a callout with the filter engine.Note FwpsCalloutRegister0 is the specific version of FwpsCalloutRegister used in Windows Vista and later. |
FwpsCalloutRegister1 The FwpsCalloutRegister1 function registers a callout with the filter engine.Note FwpsCalloutRegister1 is the specific version of FwpsCalloutRegister used in Windows 7 and later. |
FwpsCalloutRegister2 The FwpsCalloutRegister2 function registers a callout with the filter engine.Note FwpsCalloutRegister2 is the specific version of FwpsCalloutRegister used in Windows 8 and later. |
FwpsCalloutRegister3 The FwpsCalloutRegister3 function registers the function pointers for a version 3 of the FWPS_CALLOUT3 structure. |
FwpsCalloutUnregisterById0 The FwpsCalloutUnregisterById0 function unregisters a callout from the filter engine.Note FwpsCalloutUnregisterById0 is a specific version of FwpsCalloutUnregisterById. |
FwpsCalloutUnregisterByKey0 The FwpsCalloutUnregisterByKey0 function unregisters a callout from the filter engine.Note FwpsCalloutUnregisterByKey0 is a specific version of FwpsCalloutUnregisterByKey. |
FwpsClassifyOptionSet0 The FwpsClassifyOptionSet0 function is called by a callout filter's classifyFn function to specify additional information that affects the characteristics of permitted filtering operations.Note FwpsClassifyOptionSet0 is a specific version of FwpsClassifyOptionSet. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsCloneStreamData0 The FwpsCloneStreamData0 function allocates a clone of an existing FWPS_STREAM_DATA0 data stream.Note FwpsCloneStreamData0 is a specific version of FwpsCloneStreamData. |
FwpsCompleteClassify0 A callout driver calls FwpsCompleteClassify0 to asynchronously complete a pended classify request. |
FwpsCompleteOperation0 The FwpsCompleteOperation0 function is called by a callout to resume packet processing that was suspended pending completion of another operation.Note FwpsCompleteOperation0 is a specific version of FwpsCompleteOperation. |
FwpsConstructIpHeaderForTransportPacket0 The FwpsConstructIpHeaderForTransportPacket0 function is called by a callout to construct a new IP header or to rebuild a preexisting IP packet header for only one net buffer.Note FwpsConstructIpHeaderForTransportPacket0 is a specific version of FwpsConstructIpHeaderForTransportPacket. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsCopyStreamDataToBuffer0 The FwpsCopyStreamDataToBuffer0 function copies stream data to a buffer.Note FwpsCopyStreamDataToBuffer0 is a specific version of FwpsCopyStreamDataToBuffer. |
FwpsDereferenceNetBufferList0 The FwpsDereferenceNetBufferList0 function decrements the reference count for a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure that a callout driver had acquired earlier using the FwpsReferenceNetBufferList0 function.Note FwpsDereferenceNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsDereferenceNetBufferList. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsDereferencevSwitchPacketContext0 The FwpsDereferencevSwitchPacketContext0 function is not supported. It releases a reference acquired by the FwpsReferencevSwitchPacketContext0 function. |
FwpsDiscardClonedStreamData0 The FwpsDiscardClonedStreamData0 function frees the memory buffer that is allocated by the FwpsCloneStreamData0 function.Note FwpsDiscardClonedStreamData0 is a specific version of FwpsDiscardClonedStreamData. |
FwpsFlowAbort0 The FwpsFlowAbort0 function aborts a data flow.Note FwpsFlowAbort0 is a specific version of FwpsFlowAbort. |
FwpsFlowAssociateContext0 The FwpsFlowAssociateContext0 function associates a callout driver-defined context with a data flow.Note FwpsFlowAssociateContext0 is a specific version of FwpsFlowAssociateContext. |
FwpsFlowRemoveContext0 The FwpsFlowRemoveContext0 function removes a previously associated context from a data flow.Note FwpsFlowRemoveContext0 is a specific version of FwpsFlowRemoveContext. |
FwpsFreeCloneNetBufferList0 The FwpsFreeCloneNetBufferList0 function frees a clone NET_BUFFER_LIST structure that was previously allocated by a call to the FwpsAllocateCloneNetBufferList0 function.Note FwpsFreeCloneNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsFreeCloneNetBufferList. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsFreeNetBufferList0 The FwpsFreeNetBufferList0 function frees a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure that was previously allocated by a call to the FwpsAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList0 function.Note FwpsFreeNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsFreeNetBufferList. |
FwpsGetPacketListSecurityInformation0 The FwpsGetPacketListSecurityInformation0 function retrieves information associated with a packet list.Note FwpsGetPacketListSecurityInformation0 is a specific version of FwpsGetPacketListSecurityInformation. |
FwpsInjectForwardAsync0 The FwpsInjectForwardAsync0 function injects packet data into the forwarding data path.Note FwpsInjectForwardAsync0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectForwardAsync. |
FwpsInjectionHandleCreate0 The FwpsInjectionHandleCreate0 function creates a handle that can be used by packet injection functions to inject packet or stream data into the TCP/IP network stack and by the FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState0 function to query the packet injection state.Note FwpsInjectionHandleCreate0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectionHandleCreate. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FwpsInjectionHandleDestroy0 The FwpsInjectionHandleDestroy0 function destroys an injection handle that was previously created by calling the FwpsInjectionHandleCreate0 function.Note FwpsInjectionHandleDestroy0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectionHandleDestroy. |
FwpsInjectMacReceiveAsync0 The FwpsInjectMacReceiveAsync0 function can reinject a previously absorbed media access control (MAC) frame (or a clone of the frame) back to the layer 2 inbound data path it was intercepted from, or inject an invented MAC frame. |
FwpsInjectMacSendAsync0 The FwpsInjectMacReceiveAsync0 function can reinject a previously absorbed media access control (MAC) frame (or a clone of the frame) back to the layer 2 inbound data path from which it was intercepted, or inject an invented MAC frame. |
FwpsInjectNetworkReceiveAsync0 The FwpsInjectNetworkReceiveAsync0 function injects packet data into the receive data path.Note FwpsInjectNetworkReceiveAsync0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectNetworkReceiveAsync. |
FwpsInjectNetworkSendAsync0 The FwpsInjectNetworkSendAsync0 function injects packet data into the send data path.Note FwpsInjectNetworkSendAsync0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectNetworkSendAsync. |
FwpsInjectTransportReceiveAsync0 The FwpsInjectTransportReceiveAsync0 function injects packet data from the transport, datagram data, or ICMP error layers into the receive data path.Note FwpsInjectTransportReceiveAsync0 is a specific version of FwpsInjectTransportReceiveAsync. |
FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync0 The FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync0 function injects packet data from the transport, datagram data, or ICMP error layers into the send data path.Note FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync0 is the specific version of FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync used in Windows Vista and later. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. For Windows 7, FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync1 is available. |
FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync1 The FwpsInjectTransportSendAsync1 function injects packet data from the transport, datagram data, or ICMP error layers into the send data path. |
FwpsInjectvSwitchEthernetIngressAsync0 The FwpsInjectvSwitchEthernetIngressAsync0 (was FwpsInjectvSwitchIngressAsync0) function reinjects a previously absorbed virtual switch packet (unmodified) back to the virtual switch ingress data path where it was intercepted. |
FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext0 The FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext0 function associates the callout driver's context with a network buffer list and configures notification for network buffer list events.Note FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext0 is the specific version of FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext used in Windows 7 and later. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. For Windows 8, FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext1 is available. |
FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext1 The FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext1 function associates the callout driver's context with a network buffer list and configures notification for network buffer list events.Note FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext1 is the specific version of FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext used in Windows 8 and later. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. For Windows 7, FwpsNetBufferListAssociateContext0 is available. |
FwpsNetBufferListGetTagForContext0 The FwpsNetBufferListGetTagForContext0 function gets a locally unique context tag that can be used to associate packets with the callout driver.Note FwpsNetBufferListGetTagForContext0 is a specific version of FwpsNetBufferListGetTagForContext. |
FwpsNetBufferListRemoveContext0 The FwpsNetBufferListRemoveContext0 function removes the context associated with a network buffer list.Note FwpsNetBufferListRemoveContext0 is a specific version of FwpsNetBufferListRemoveContext. |
FwpsNetBufferListRetrieveContext0 The FwpsNetBufferListRetrieveContext0 function retrieves the context associated with a network buffer list that was tagged in another layer.Note FwpsNetBufferListRetrieveContext0 is a specific version of FwpsNetBufferListRetrieveContext. |
FwpsOpenToken0 The FwpsOpenToken0 function opens an access token. |
FwpsPendClassify0 A callout's classifyFn function calls FwpsPendClassify0 to pend the current classify request. |
FwpsPendOperation0 The FwpsPendOperation0 function is called by a callout to suspend packet processing pending completion of another operation.Note FwpsPendOperation0 is a specific version of FwpsPendOperation. |
FwpsQueryConnectionRedirectState0 The FwpsQueryConnectionRedirectState0 function returns the connection redirect state.Note FwpsQueryConnectionRedirectState0 is a specific version of FwpsQueryConnectionRedirectState. |
FwpsQueryConnectionSioFormatRedirectRecords0 The FwpsQueryConnectionSioFormatRedirectRecords0 function returns the connection redirect records for a redirected connection. |
FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState0 The FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState0 function is called by a callout to query the injection state of packet data.Note FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState0 is a specific version of FwpsQueryPacketInjectionState. |
FwpsReassembleForwardFragmentGroup0 The FwpsReassembleForwardFragmentGroup0 function assembles a list of IP fragments in the forwarding data path into a single packet.Note FwpsReassembleForwardFragmentGroup0 is a specific version of FwpsReassembleForwardFragmentGroup. |
FwpsRedirectHandleCreate0 The FwpsRedirectHandleCreate0 function creates a handle that connection redirection functions can use to redirect connections to a local process. |
FwpsRedirectHandleDestroy0 The FwpsRedirectHandleDestroy0 function destroys a redirect handle that was previously created by calling the FwpsRedirectHandleCreate0 function.Note FwpsRedirectHandleDestroy0 is a specific version of FwpsRedirectHandleDestroy. |
FwpsReferenceNetBufferList0 The FwpsReferenceNetBufferList0 function increments the reference count for a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure.Note FwpsReferenceNetBufferList0 is a specific version of FwpsReferenceNetBufferList. |
FwpsReferencevSwitchPacketContext0 The FwpsReferencevSwitchPacketContext0 function is not supported. It processes the vSwitchPacketContext member in the FWPS_INCOMING_METADATA_VALUES0 structure. |
FwpsReleaseClassifyHandle0 A callout driver calls FwpsReleaseClassifyHandle0 to release a classification handle that was previously acquired through a call to FwpsAcquireClassifyHandle0.Note FwpsReleaseClassifyHandle0 is a specific version of FwpsReleaseClassifyHandle. |
FwpsStreamContinue0 The FwpsStreamContinue0 function resumes the processing of an inbound data stream that was previously deferred.Note FwpsStreamContinue0 is a specific version of FwpsStreamContinue. |
FwpsStreamInjectAsync0 The FwpsStreamInjectAsync0 function injects TCP data segments into a TCP data stream.Note FwpsStreamInjectAsync0 is a specific version of FwpsStreamInjectAsync. |
FwpsvSwitchEventsSubscribe0 The FwpsvSwitchEventsSubscribe0 function registers callback entry points for virtual switch layer events such as virtual port creation and deletion.Note FwpsvSwitchEventsSubscribe0 is a specific version of FwpsvSwitchEventsSubscribe. |
FwpsvSwitchEventsUnsubscribe0 The FwpsvSwitchEventsUnsubscribe0 function releases resources that are associated with virtual switch notification subscriptions.Note FwpsvSwitchEventsUnsubscribe0 is a specific version of FwpsvSwitchEventsUnsubscribe. |
FwpsvSwitchNotifyComplete0 The FwpsvSwitchNotifyComplete0 function completes a pending virtual switch event notification.Note FwpsvSwitchNotifyComplete0 is a specific version of FwpsvSwitchNotifyComplete. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_BOOTTIME_CALLOUT_DELETE_NOTIFY_FN0 The filter engine calls a callout's FWPS_CALLOUT_BOOTTIME_CALLOUT_DELETE_NOTIFY_FN0 function when the boottime callout has been removed. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_CLASSIFY_FN0 The filter engine calls a callout's classifyFn0 callout function whenever there is data to be processed by the callout.Note classifyFn0 is the specific version of classifyFn used in Windows Vista and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_CLASSIFY_FN1 The filter engine calls a callout's classifyFn1 callout function whenever there is data to be processed by the callout.Note classifyFn1 is the specific version of classifyFn used in Windows 7 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_CLASSIFY_FN2 The filter engine calls a callout's classifyFn2 callout function whenever there is data to be processed by the callout.Note classifyFn2 is the specific version of classifyFn used in Windows 8 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_CLASSIFY_FN3 Version 3 of the callback function invoked during classification when a callout filter matches. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_FLOW_DELETE_NOTIFY_FN0 The filter engine calls a callout's flowDeleteFn callout function to notify the callout that a data flow that is being processed by the callout is being terminated. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_FN0 The filter engine calls a callout's notifyFn0 callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated with the callout.Note notifyFn0 is the specific version of notifyFn used in Windows Vista and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_FN1 The filter engine calls a callout's notifyFn1 callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated with the callout.Note notifyFn1 is the specific version of notifyFn used in Windows 7 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_FN2 The filter engine calls a callout's notifyFn2 callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated with the callout.Note notifyFn2 is the specific version of notifyFn used in Windows 8 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_FN3 Version 3 of the function invoked during classification when a callout filter matches. |
FWPS_INJECT_COMPLETE0 The filter engine calls a callout's completionFn callout function whenever packet data, described by the netBufferList parameter in one of the packet injection functions, has been injected into the network stack. |
FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN0 The filter engine calls the FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN0 callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated with packets tagged by the callout.Note FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN0 is the specific version of FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN used in Windows 7 and later. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. For Windows 8, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN1 is available. |
FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN1 The filter engine calls the FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN1 callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated with packets tagged by the callout.Note FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN1 is the specific version of FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN used in Windows 8 and later. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. For Windows 7, FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN0 is available. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_FILTER_ENGINE_REORDER_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchFilterEngineReorderNotifyRn (FWPS_VSWITCH_FILTER_ENGINE_REORDER_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated the virtual switch filter engine reordering.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_FILTER_ENGINE_REORDER_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_FILTER_ENGINE_REORDER_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_INTERFACE_EVENT_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchInterfaceEventNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_INTERFACE_EVENT_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated the virtual switch interface.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_INTERFACE_EVENT_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_INTERFACE_EVENT_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_LIFETIME_EVENT_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchLifetimeNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_LIFETIME_EVENT_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify the callout driver about create and delete events for a virtual switch.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_LIFETIME_EVENT_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_LIFETIME_EVENT_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchPolicyEventNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify the callout driver about virtual switch policy events.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_POLICY_EVENT_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_PORT_EVENT_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchPortEventNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_PORT_EVENT_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify the callout driver about events that are associated a virtual switch (vSwitch) port.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_PORT_EVENT_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_PORT_EVENT_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_RESTORE_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchRuntimeStateRestoreNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_RESTORE_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify a callout driver about virtual switch run-time state restore events.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_RESTORE_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_RESTORE_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_SAVE_CALLBACK0 The filter engine calls the vSwitchRuntimeStateSaveNotifyFn (FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_SAVE_CALLBACK0) callout function to notify a callout driver about virtual switch run-time state save events.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_SAVE_CALLBACK0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_RUNTIME_STATE_SAVE_CALLBACK. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_CALLOUT0 The FWPS_CALLOUT0 structure defines the data that is required for a callout driver to register a callout with the filter engine.Note FWPS_CALLOUT0 is the specific version of FWPS_CALLOUT used in Windows Vista and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT1 The FWPS_CALLOUT1 structure defines the data that is required for a callout driver to register a callout with the filter engine.Note FWPS_CALLOUT1 is the specific version of FWPS_CALLOUT used in Windows 7 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT2 The FWPS_CALLOUT2 structure defines the data that is required for a callout driver to register a callout with the filter engine.Note FWPS_CALLOUT2 is the specific version of FWPS_CALLOUT used in Windows 8 and later. |
FWPS_CALLOUT3 The FWPS_CALLOUT3 structure defines the data that is required for a callout driver to register a callout with the filter engine. |
FWPS_CONNECTION_POLICY0 The FWPS_CONNECTION_POLICY0 structure defines the connection policy for outbound network connections. |
FWPS_INCOMING_METADATA_VALUES0 The FWPS_INCOMING_METADATA_VALUES0 structure defines metadata values that the filter engine passes to a callout's classifyFn callout function.Note FWPS_INCOMING_METADATA_VALUES0 is a specific version of FWPS_INCOMING_METADATA_VALUES. |
FWPS_PACKET_LIST_FWP_INFORMATION0 The FWPS_PACKET_LIST_FWP_INFORMATION0 structure defines Windows Filtering Platform information associated with a packet list.Note FWPS_PACKET_LIST_FWP_INFORMATION0 is a specific version of FWPS_PACKET_LIST_FWP_INFORMATION. |
FWPS_PACKET_LIST_INFORMATION0 The FWPS_PACKET_LIST_INFORMATION0 structure defines information associated with a packet list.Note FWPS_PACKET_LIST_INFORMATION0 is a specific version of FWPS_PACKET_LIST_INFORMATION. |
FWPS_STREAM_CALLOUT_IO_PACKET0 The FWPS_STREAM_CALLOUT_IO_PACKET0 structure describes the data passed by the filter engine to a callout's classifyFn callout function when filtering a data stream.Note FWPS_STREAM_CALLOUT_IO_PACKET0 is a specific version of FWPS_STREAM_CALLOUT_IO_PACKET. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_STREAM_DATA_OFFSET0 The FWPS_STREAM_DATA_OFFSET0 structure defines an offset into a portion of a data stream that is described by an FWPS_STREAM_DATA0 structure.Note FWPS_STREAM_DATA_OFFSET0 is a specific version of FWPS_STREAM_DATA_OFFSET. |
FWPS_STREAM_DATA0 The FWPS_STREAM_DATA0 structure describes a portion of a data stream.Note FWPS_STREAM_DATA0 is a specific version of FWPS_STREAM_DATA. |
FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS0 The FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS0 structure defines properties of an outbound transport layer packet.Note FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS0 is the specific version of FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS used in Windows Vista and later. |
FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS1 The FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS1 structure defines properties of an outbound transport layer packet.Note FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS1 is the specific version of FWPS_TRANSPORT_SEND_PARAMS used in Windows 7 and later. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE0 The FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE0 structure specifies a callout driver-supplied virtual switch event dispatch table.Note FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE0 is a specific version of FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE. |
FWPS_BUILTIN_LAYERS Defines constants that specify built-in run-time filtering layer identifiers. |
FWPS_CONNECTION_REDIRECT_STATE The FWPS_CONNECTION_REDIRECT_STATE enumeration type specifies the current redirection state of a connection. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_CONNECT_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_LISTEN_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_AUTH_RECV_ACCEPT_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_BIND_REDIRECT_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_CONNECT_REDIRECT_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_ENDPOINT_CLOSURE_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_ALE_FLOW_ESTABLISHED_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_ALE_RESOURCE_RELEASE_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_DATAGRAM_DATA_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET The FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET (formerly FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_802_3) enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 The WPS_FIELDS_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IKEEXT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_IKEEXT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IKEEXT_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IKEEXT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_IKEEXT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IKEEXT_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_IPPACKET_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET The FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET (formerly WPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_802_3) enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_ETHERNET run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_INGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPFORWARD_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPFORWARD_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPFORWARD_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPFORWARD_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_IPFORWARD_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_KM_DEMUX_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_IPSEC_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_IPSEC_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_KM_AUTHORIZATION The FWPS_FIELDS_KM_AUTHORIZATION enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_KM_AUTHORIZATION run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_NAME_RESOLUTION_CACHE_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_ICMP_ERROR_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_IPPACKET_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_ETHERNET run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_MAC_FRAME_NATIVE run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_POLICY_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_POLICY_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_POLICY_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_POLICY_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_EP_ADD The FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_EP_ADD enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_RPC_EP_ADD run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_EPMAP The FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_EPMAP enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_RPC_EPMAP run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_PROXY_CONN The FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_PROXY_CONN enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_CONN run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_PROXY_IF_IF The FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_PROXY_IF_IF enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_IF run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_UM The FWPS_FIELDS_RPC_UM enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_RPC_UM run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_PACKET_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_PACKET_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_PACKET_V4 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_PACKET_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_PACKET_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_PACKET_V6 run-time filtering layer. |
FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_V4 The FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_V4 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V4 and FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V4_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_V6 The FWPS_FIELDS_STREAM_V6 enumeration type specifies the data field identifiers for the FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V6 and FWPS_LAYER_STREAM_V6_DISCARD run-time filtering layers. |
FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EVENT_TYPE0 The FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EVENT_TYPE0 enumeration type specifies the possible status events that can cause the callout driver's FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_NOTIFY_FN0 function to be called.Note FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EVENT_TYPE0 is a specific version of FWPS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_EVENT_TYPE. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information. |
FWPS_PACKET_INJECTION_STATE The FWPS_PACKET_INJECTION_STATE enumeration type specifies the injection state of a network buffer list. |
FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE The FWPS_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE enumeration type specifies the type of a virtual switch event notification. |
INET_DISCARD_REASON The INET_DISCARD_REASON enum defines the possible reasons that data is discarded by one of the transport layers. |
IP_DISCARD_REASON The IP_DISCARD_REASON enum defines the possible reasons that data is discarded by one of the network layers. |