HidP_MaxUsageListLength function (hidpi.h)

The HidP_MaxUsageListLength routine returns the maximum number of HID usages that HidP_GetUsages can return for a specified type of HID report and a specified top-level collection.


ULONG HidP_MaxUsageListLength(
  [in] HIDP_REPORT_TYPE     ReportType,
  [in] USAGE                UsagePage,
  [in] PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData


[in] ReportType

Specifies a HIDP_REPORT_TYPE enumerator value that indicates the report type.

[in] UsagePage

Specifies a usage page as a search criteria. If UsagePage is zero, the routine returns the number of all the buttons in the collection.

[in] PreparsedData

Pointer to a top-level collection's preparsed data.

Return value

If successful, HidP_MaxUsageListLength returns the maximum number of HID usages that HidP_GetUsages can return for a specified type of HID report and a specified top-level collection. If the specified preparsed data or report type is not valid, the routine returns zero.


For more information, see HID Collections.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows.
Target Platform Universal
Header hidpi.h (include Hidpi.h)
Library Hidparse.lib

See also

