PFNKSCLOCK_GETTIME callback function (ks.h)
The routine gets system time.
KStrClockGetTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time.
KStrClockGetPhysicalTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time minus any suspended delta.
LONGLONG PfnksclockGettime(
[in] PFILE_OBJECT FileObject
[in] FileObject
A pointer to the FILE_OBJECT structure to which a handle was returned when the clock instance was created.
This routine returns the requested time value as a value of type LONGLONG. This value is specified in 100 nanosecond units.
You can obtain an entry point for this routine by supplying a driver-allocated KSCLOCK_FUNCTIONTABLE structure in a KSPROPERTY_CLOCK_FUNCTIONTABLE request.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | ks.h (include Ks.h) |