PFNKSDEFAULTALLOCATE callback function (ks.h)

An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniAllocate routine allocates a frame using the allocator specified in the Context parameter.


PFNKSDEFAULTALLOCATE Pfnksdefaultallocate;

PVOID Pfnksdefaultallocate(
  [in] PVOID Context


[in] Context

Pointer to the allocator's context structure created in AVStrMiniInitializeAllocator.

Return value

Allocate returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory. Return NULL if the attempt to allocate memory failed.


The minidriver specifies this routine's address in the Allocate member of its KSALLOCATOR_DISPATCH structure. The minidriver passes this structure to the class driver in KSPIN_DISPATCH.

AVStream calls this routine to allocate a frame. The handler should allocate a frame as described by the allocator framing context passed into the initialization dispatch.

For more information, see KS Allocators.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems and DirectX 8.0 and later DirectX versions.
Target Platform Desktop
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also
