KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks function (ks.h)

The KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks function registers power management callbacks for Pin.


void KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks(
  [in]           PKSPIN        Pin,
  [in, optional] PFNKSPINPOWER Sleep,
  [in, optional] PFNKSPINPOWER Wake


[in] Pin

A pointer to the KSPIN structure for which to register power callbacks. Note that the pin must actually process (be pin-centric) in order to receive power notification messages.

[in, optional] Sleep

This parameter supplies the address of a AVStrMiniPinPower function that handles sleep requests for the device. Optional.

[in, optional] Wake

This parameter supplies the address of a AVStrMiniPinPower function that handles wake requests for the device. Optional.

Return value




Do not attempt to obtain the filter control mutex from within either the Sleep or Wake callback, or deadlock may occur. For more information about mutexes, read Mutexes in AVStream.

At least one of the callbacks must be specified when calling KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems and DirectX 8.0 and later DirectX versions.
Target Platform Universal
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)
Library Ks.lib

See also

