KSPIN_CONNECT structure (ks.h)

Clients use the KSPIN_CONNECT structure to describe the connection they request from a driver in a KsCreatePin call.


typedef struct {
  KSPIN_MEDIUM    Medium;
  ULONG           PinId;
  HANDLE          PinToHandle;
  KSPRIORITY      Priority;



Specifies the KSPIN_INTERFACE to use for this connection.


A structure of type KSPIN_MEDIUM that specifies the medium to use for this connection.


Specifies the pin type ID number. If the PinToHandle field is not NULL, this field contains the identifier of the source pin to which the request is being sent. Otherwise this field refers to the sink pin that is being connected to. If a pin can support being both a source and sink in communications, then this is the implicit method of telling it how it should act in the connection.


Specifies what type of destination pin the create is intended for, and in the case of a source destination, what pin to connect to. This member is NULL when a client requests a connection to itself. Otherwise, it is the target of the connection request. In the case of a source destination, this contains the handle of the pin instance to establish a connection to. In the case of a sink destination, this field contains NULL, and is not otherwise used.


A structure of type KSPRIORITY that specifies the priority for the connection, usually KSPRIORITY_NORMAL. See the KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION_PRIORITY property for details.


If the KSPIN_CONNECT.PinToHandle element is not NULL, IRP_MJ_CREATE instructs the device to connect the source KSPIN_CONNECT.PinId pin to the KSPIN_CONNECT.PinToHandle pin instance. Otherwise, this is a request from a client for connection to the KSPIN_CONNECT.PinId pin using the KSPIN_CONNECT.Medium method and a specific data format specified after the connection structure. In either case, the device driver may fail this request if this connection cannot be accepted.


Requirement Value
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also


