The KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION structure describes a single data-path connection inside a kernel streaming filter.



typedef struct {
  ULONG FromNode;
  ULONG FromNodePin;
  ULONG ToNode;
  ULONG ToNodePin;



Specifies the node ID of the node on the upstream end of the connection. If this end of the connection is an external pin on the filter, not a logical pin on a node,m set this member to the null node-ID value, KSFILTER_NODE.


Specifies the pin ID for the upstream end of the connection. If **FromNode **is KSFILTER_NODE, the pin on this end of the connection is an external pin on the filter. If not, the pin on this end is a logical pin on an internal node.


Specifies the node ID of the node on the downstream end of the connection. If this end of the connection is an external pin on the filter, not a logical pin on a node, set this member to the null node-ID value, KSFILTER_NODE.


Specifies the pin ID for the downstream end of the connection. If ToNode is KSFILTER_NODE, the pin on this end of the connection is an external pin on the filter. If not, the pin on this end is a logical pin on an internal node.


KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION represents a single connection inside a filter, between either external pins, internal nodes, or an external pin and an internal node.

A streaming driver returns an array of KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION structures in response to a KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTIONS get-property request.

When representing a connection between two external pins, both FromNode and ToNode should be set to KSFILTER_NODE, and the FromNodePin and ToNodePin should be the pin type ID of the respective pins. See KSPROPSETID_Pin for a description of pin type IDs.

Otherwise, FromNodePin or ToNodePin represent a logical incoming or outgoing pin for the connection. The logical pin numbers are used solely to describe a connection between nodes; they have no existence outside of the KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY_CONNECTIONS property.


The PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure name is an alias for KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION. PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR for IMiniport::GetDescription() is a description of a node connection in the topology of the filter implemented by the miniport. It is defined as follows in the portcls.h header:


Note that for the parameter descriptions, the PCFILTER_NODE is used with PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR instead of KSFILTER_NODE.

The PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure specifies a single connection inside a filter. The connection can be one of the following:

  • A connection between two internal nodes

  • A connection between an internal node and a pin on the filter

  • A connection between two pins on the filter

The last type of connection occurs when an input pin on a filter streams data directly to an output pin on the same filter.

An adapter driver uses an array of structures to specify the internal topology of a filter.

The data stream flows from the FromNode end to the ToNode end of the connection.

To use the PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure, the driver writer assigns "logical" pins to the nodes inside the filter. These "pins" are connection points on the nodes and are analogous to the external pins that the filter uses to connect to other filters. However, logical pins on nodes are used solely to specify the connections inside the filter.

A simple node with a single input and a single output typically numbers its input and output pins one and zero, respectively. By convention, this numbering is based on the direction of IRP flow rather than data flow.

More complex nodes might require standardized pin IDs in order to allow clients to more easily determine the assignment of functions to specific pins. For example, the KSNODETYPE_ACOUSTIC_ECHO_CANCEL node uses standardized IDs for its four pins.

When the pin on one end of a connection is an input or output pin on the filter rather than a logical pin on a node, set the FromNode or ToNode member (depending on which end of the connection you are specifying) to the null node-ID value, PCFILTER_NODE.

Avoid confusing logical pins, which are used solely to describe connection points on nodes within a filter, with the external pins that filters use to connect to other filters. Logical pins are rarely used outside of the PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure. In this document, the term pin refers to a pin on a KS filter rather than a logical pin on a node unless noted otherwise.

The IMiniport::GetDescription method outputs a PCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure that contains a pointer to a PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR array.

For a simple code example that shows how the PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure is used, see Exposing Filter Topology.


Requirement Value
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also
