NetConfigurationAssignUlong function (netconfiguration.h)
The NetConfigurationAssignUlong function writes a caller-supplied unsigned long word value to a specified value name in the registry.
NTSTATUS NetConfigurationAssignUlong(
[_In_] NETCONFIGURATION Configuration,
[_In_] ULONG Value
[_In_] Configuration
A handle to a NETCONFIGURATION object that represents an opened registry key.
[_In_] ValueName
A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a value name.
[_In_] Value
A ULONG value that will be assigned to the value name that ValueName specifies.
This function returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds. Otherwise, this function may return an appropriate NTSTATUS error code.
The client driver obtains a handle to a NETCONFIGURATION object by calling NetAdapterOpenConfiguration or NetConfigurationOpenSubConfiguration.
If an entry of the same name as ValueName already exists under the opened registry key, NetConfigurationAssignUlong replaces its current value with the caller-supplied value. Otherwise, NetConfigurationAssignUlong adds a new value entry with the given name and supplied value to the registry.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Universal |
Minimum KMDF version | 1.21 |
Minimum UMDF version | 2.33 |
Header | netconfiguration.h (include netadaptercx.h) |