NetConfigurationQueryMultiString function (netconfiguration.h)
Retrieves the MultiString-valued registry entry associated with a value name in the specified configuration object.
NTSTATUS NetConfigurationQueryMultiString(
[_In_] NETCONFIGURATION Configuration,
[_In_opt_] WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *StringsAttributes,
[_Inout_] WDFCOLLECTION Collection
[_In_] Configuration
Handle to a NETCONFIGURATION object that represents an opened registry key.
[_In_] ValueName
A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a value name in the device's software key.
[_In_opt_] StringsAttributes
A pointer to a WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that contains driver-supplied attributes for the new WDFSTRING objects. This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.
[_Inout_] Collection
A handle to a driver-supplied collection object. If the function succeeds, contains a WDFSTRING object for each string assigned to ValueName.
The function returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds. If the registry value is NULL, NetConfigurationQueryMultiString returns STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND.
The client driver obtains a handle to a NETCONFIGURATION object by calling NetAdapterOpenConfiguration or NetConfigurationOpenSubConfiguration.
By default, the strings are parented to the collection object. The client driver can change this by setting the ParentObject member of the WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Universal |
Minimum KMDF version | 1.21 |
Minimum UMDF version | 2.33 |
Header | netconfiguration.h (include netadaptercx.h) |
Library | NetAdapterCxStub.lib |