NetTxQueueCreate function (nettxqueue.h)

Creates a net transmit queue object.


NTSTATUS NetTxQueueCreate(
  [_Inout_]  NETTXQUEUE_INIT         *NetTxQueueInit,
  [_In_opt_] WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES   *TxQueueAttributes,
  [_In_]     NET_PACKET_QUEUE_CONFIG *Configuration,
  [_Out_]    NETPACKETQUEUE          *PacketQueue


[_Inout_] NetTxQueueInit

A pointer to the NETTXQUEUE_INIT structure that the client driver received in EVT_NET_ADAPTER_CREATE_TXQUEUE.

[_In_opt_] TxQueueAttributes

A pointer to an initialized, caller-allocated WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure. This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES. However, if the client driver supplies this parameter, the ParentObject field must be NULL.

[_In_] Configuration

A pointer to a caller-allocated NET_PACKET_QUEUE_CONFIG structure.

[_Out_] PacketQueue

A pointer to a location that receives a handle to the new net transmit queue object.

Return value

The function returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds. Otherwise, this function may return an appropriate NTSTATUS error code.


The client calls NetTxQueueCreate from within its EVT_NET_ADAPTER_CREATE_TXQUEUE event callback function. For info on assigning context space to the new object, see Framework Object Context Space.

The NETPACKETQUEUE object is a standard WDF object. The framework manages its deletion, which occurs when the parent NETADAPTER object is deleted.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Minimum KMDF version 1.27
Header nettxqueue.h (include netadaptercx.h)