PshedAllocateMemory function (ntddk.h)

The PshedAllocateMemory function allocates a block of memory from the nonpaged pool.


NTPSHEDAPI PVOID PshedAllocateMemory(
  [in] ULONG Size


[in] Size

The size, in bytes, of the block of memory being allocated.

Return value

PshedAllocateMemory returns a pointer to an initialized (nonzero) block of memory from the nonpaged pool or NULL if the memory allocation fails.


A PSHED plug-in calls the PshedAllocateMemory function to allocate a block of memory. When the PSHED plug-in is done using the allocated block of memory, it calls the PshedFreeMemory function to free the memory.

If a single PSHED plug-in binary needs to run on versions of Windows prior to Windows 10, version 2004 as well as Windows 10, version 2004 and later and if this binary needs to make other paged or nonpaged pool allocations outside of the PshedAllocateMemory APIs then the plugin should use ExAllocatePoolUninitialized or ExAllocatePoolZero to allocate pool memory. See the note in the Remarks section of the latter page about defining POOL_ZERO_DOWN_LEVEL_SUPPORT.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header ntddk.h (include Ntddk.h)
Library Pshed.lib
DLL Pshed.dll

See also
