RtlGetPersistedStateLocation function (ntddk.h)
Retrieves the redirected location for the specified SourceID from the redirection map.
NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS RtlGetPersistedStateLocation(
[_In_] PCWSTR SourceID,
[_In_opt_] PCWSTR CustomValue,
[_In_opt_] PCWSTR DefaultPath,
[_In_] STATE_LOCATION_TYPE StateLocationType,
[_In_] PWCHAR TargetPath,
[_In_] ULONG BufferLengthIn,
[_Out_opt_] PULONG BufferLengthOut
[_In_] SourceID
The identifier to lookup in the redirection map.
[_In_opt_] CustomValue
Optional. The value to retrieve, if it's different than the default value.
[_In_opt_] DefaultPath
Optional. If an entry for the SourceID value cannot be found in the map, returns this value.
[_In_] StateLocationType
A STATE_LOCATION_TYPE-type value that indicates the type of State to look up; registry or file system.
[_In_] TargetPath
A pointer to a Unicode string that receives the value. If the call is successful. The string is null-terminated.
[_In_] BufferLengthIn
The size of the string pointed to by TargetPath, in bytes.
[_Out_opt_] BufferLengthOut
Optional. If specified, returns the number of bytes written to the buffer in case the call is successful; number of bytes required if the call fails with the STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW error code.
Returns an NTSTATUS value that indicates the success of failure of the operation. Otherwise returns an appropriate NTSTATUS value.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 10, version 1803 |
Header | ntddk.h |
Library | NtosKrnl.lib |
DLL | NtosKrnl.exe |