NDIS_PM_WAKE_REASON_TYPE enumeration (ntddndis.h)

The NDIS_PM_WAKE_REASON_TYPE enumeration identifies the type of wake-up event that was generated by the network adapter.


typedef enum _NDIS_PM_WAKE_REASON_TYPE {
  NdisWakeReasonUnspecified = 0x0000,
  NdisWakeReasonPacket = 0x0001,
  NdisWakeReasonMediaDisconnect = 0x0002,
  NdisWakeReasonMediaConnect = 0x0003,
  NdisWakeReasonWlanNLODiscovery = 0x1000,
  NdisWakeReasonWlanAPAssociationLost = 0x1001,
  NdisWakeReasonWlanGTKHandshakeError = 0x1002,
  NdisWakeReasonWlan4WayHandshakeRequest = 0x1003,
  NdisWakeReasonWwanRegisterState = 0x2000,
  NdisWakeReasonWwanSMSReceive = 0x2001,
  NdisWakeReasonWwanUSSDReceive = 0x2002,
  NdisWakeReasonWwanPacketState = 0x2004,
  NdisWakeReasonWwanUiccChange = 0x2005


Value: 0x0000
The type of wake-up event is not specified.
Value: 0x0001
The network adapter generated the wake-up event because it received a packet that matched a wake-on-LAN (WOL) pattern.
Value: 0x0002
The network adapter generated the wake-up event because it disconnected from the network media.
Value: 0x0003
The network adapter generated the wake-up event because it connected to the network media.
Value: 0x1000
The 802.11 network adapter generated the wake-up event because it detected a service set identifier (SSID) that was specified through a network list offload (NLO).

For more information about NLO, see Wi-Fi Network List Offload.
Value: 0x1001
The 802.11 network adapter generated the wake-up event because it became disassociated with the access point (AP).
Value: 0x1002
The 802.11 network adapter generated the wake-up event because it encountered an error during the IEEE 802.11i RSN group transient key (GTK) handshake with the AP.
Value: 0x1003
The 802.11 network adapter generated the wake-up event because it received the first frame of the IEEE 802.11i RSN 4-way handshake with the AP. This handshake is performed when the adapter authenticates with the AP.
Value: 0x2000
The mobile broadband (MB) network adapter generated the wake-up event because its registration state to the MB Service has changed.
Value: 0x2001
The mobile broadband (MB) network adapter generated the wake-up event because the MB Service has to be notified about the receipt of a Short Message Service (SMS) message. The adapter generates this wake-up event either after the completion of a previously-issued OID_WWAN_SMS_READ query request, or the arrival of a new class-0 (flash/alert) message from the network provider as an event notification.
Value: 0x2002
The mobile broadband (MB) network adapter generated the wake-up event because it received an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) message.
Value: 0x2004
The mobile broadband (MB) network adapter generated the wake-up event because of a packet state change.
Value: 0x2005
The mobile broadband (MB) network adapter generated the wake-up event because the SIM card state changed.


The WakeReason member of the NDIS_PM_WAKE_REASON structure contains an NDIS_PM_WAKE_REASON_TYPE enumeration value.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported in NDIS 6.30 and later.
Header ntddndis.h (include Ntddndis.h)

See also