PEP_REGISTER_DEVICE_V2 structure (pep_x.h)

The PEP_REGISTER_DEVICE_V2 structure describes a device whose driver stack has just registered with the Windows power management framework (PoFx).


typedef struct _PEP_REGISTER_DEVICE_V2 {
  [in]  PCUNICODE_STRING           DeviceId;
  [in]  POHANDLE                   KernelHandle;
  [in]  PPEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2    Register;
  [out] PEPHANDLE                  DeviceHandle;
  [out] PEP_DEVICE_ACCEPTANCE_TYPE DeviceAccepted;


[in] DeviceId

A string that uniquely identifies the device. This member is a pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a device identification string.

[in] KernelHandle

A POHANDLE value that represents the registration of the device with PoFx. The platform extension plug-in (PEP) previously received this handle from PoFx during the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification that informed the PEP that the device's driver stack registered the device with PoFx.

[in] Register

A pointer to a PEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2 structure that describes the power management attributes of all the components in the device. For more information, see Remarks.

[out] DeviceHandle

A PEPHANDLE value that the PEP creates to identify this device. PoFx will use this handle to identify the device in future Device power management (DPM) notifications.

[out] DeviceAccepted

A PEP_DEVICE_ACCEPTANCE_TYPE enumeration value that indicates whether the PEP claims ownership of the device. The PEP that claims ownership is responsible for handling DPM notifications for the device.


This structure is used by the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification. The first three members of this structure contain input values supplied by PoFx. The last two members contain output values that the PEP writes to the structure in response to this notification.

The Register member contains a pointer to an input buffer allocated by PoFx. PoFx writes the PEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2 structure and associated data to this structure before sending the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification to the PEP. The contents of this buffer remain valid only until the PEP finishes handling the notification and returns from the AcceptDeviceNotification callback.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pep_x.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also
