PEP_COMPONENT_V2 structure (pepfx.h)

The PEP_COMPONENT_V2 structure specifies the power state attributes of a component in the device.


typedef struct _PEP_COMPONENT_V2 {
  GUID                        Id;
  ULONGLONG                   Flags;
  ULONG                       DeepestWakeableIdleState;
  ULONG                       IdleStateCount;



A component ID that uniquely identifies this component with respect to the other components in the device. The PEP should specify a nonzero value for this member if the Windows power management framework (PoFx) requires a component ID to distinguish this component from other, similar components in the same device. This member is optional. If this member is not used, it must be set to all zeros.


A set of component-power-state flags. No flags are currently defined for this member, which is always zero.


The index of the deepest Fx state from which the component can wake. Specify 0 for F0, 1 for F1, and so on. This index must be less than IdleStateCount.


The number of elements in the array that is pointed to by the IdleStates member. Additionally, this member specifies the number of Fx power states that the component supports. A component must support at least one Fx state (F0).


A pointer to an array of PO_FX_COMPONENT_IDLE_STATE structures. The length of this array is specified by the IdleStateCount member. Each array element specifies the attributes of an Fx power state that is supported by the component. Element 0 describes F0, element 1 describes F1, and so on.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pepfx.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also