The SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure contains information that version 2 of the serial framework extension (SerCx2) uses to configure a new system-DMA-receive object.


  ULONG                                                      Size;
  size_t                                                     MaximumTransferLength;
  size_t                                                     MinimumTransactionLength;
  ULONG                                                      DmaAlignment;
  ULONG                                                      MaximumScatterGatherFragments;
  DMA_WIDTH                                                  DmaWidth;
  PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                                           DeviceAddress;
  PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR                            DmaDescriptor;
  ULONG                                                      MinimumTransferUnitOverride;
  BOOLEAN                                                    Exclusive;
  PFN_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_INITIALIZE_TRANSACTION       EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveInitializeTransaction;
  PFN_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CLEANUP_TRANSACTION          EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCleanupTransaction;
  PFN_SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIGURE_DMA_CHANNEL        EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveConfigureDmaChannel;



The size, in bytes, of this structure. The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCreate method uses this member to determine which version of the structure the caller is using. The size of this structure might change in future versions of the Sercx.h header file.


The default maximum size, in bytes, that the serial controller can handle in a single system DMA transfer. If the size of the buffer in the read (IRP_MJ_READ) request is larger than this maximum size, SerCx2 uses multiple DMA transfers to handle the request, and limits each transfer to the maximum length.


The minimum length, in bytes, of a system-DMA-receive transaction. If the length of the buffer in a read request is less than this minimum length, SerCx2 uses programmed I/O (PIO) for the transaction.


DMA alignment requirement. Specifies how the starting address of a transfer in a system-DMA-receive transaction must be aligned in memory. Set this member to the appropriate FILE_XXX_ALIGNMENT constant in the Wdm.h header file. For example, FILE_WORD_ALIGNMENT indicates that the starting DMA address must be aligned to two-byte boundary in memory, FILE_LONG_ALIGNMENT indicates that the address must be aligned to a four-byte boundary, and so on. SerCx2 does not support FILE_BYTE_ALIGNMENT. The minimum transfer unit (MTU) of the system DMA adapter should be greater than or equal to the required alignment. For example, if the MTU is four bytes, DmaAlignment must be at least FILE_LONG_ALIGNMENT.


The maximum number of buffer fragments that can be specified in the scatter/gather list for a DMA transfer in a system-DMA-receive transaction.


The width of the data register at the address specified by DeviceAddress. Possible values are Width8Bits, Width16Bits, Width32Bits, and Width64Bits.


The translated address from which the DMA controller transfers. For more information, see the description of the DeviceAddress member in WDF_DMA_SYSTEM_PROFILE_CONFIG.


A pointer to the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes the system DMA resource to use for receive transactions. The serial controller driver gets this structure from the raw resource list it receives in the EvtDevicePrepareHardware callback that starts the serial controller.


An override value to use in place of the default minimum transfer unit. The number of bytes specified by an element in a scatter/gather list must be an integer multiple of the minimum transfer unit. A value of zero indicates that the default minimum transfer unit should be used. For more information, see the description of the MinimumTransferUnit member in DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_V1.


Whether to use system-DMA-receive transactions exclusively to handle write (IRP_MJ_READ) requests. Set to TRUE to indicate that read requests should use system-DMA-receive transactions exclusively. Set to FALSE to indicate that read requests can use a combination of system-DMA-receive transactions and PIO-receive transactions.

Set this member to TRUE only if the minimum transfer unit for system-DMA-receive transactions is one byte, the minimum transaction length is one byte, and the read buffer for the transaction can start on any byte boundary in memory.

If Exclusive is TRUE, the MinimumTransferUnitOverride, DmaAlignment, and MinimumTransactionLength members must be zero.

Regardless of the value of this member, PIO-receive transactions are used to save any unread data in the receive FIFO before the serial controller exits the D0 device power state to enter a low-power state.


A pointer to the driver-implemented EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveInitializeTransaction event callback function. This member is optional and can be set to NULL to indicate that the driver does not implement the function.


A pointer to the driver-implemented EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCleanupTransaction event callback function. This member is optional and can be set to NULL to indicate that the driver does not implement the function.


A pointer to the driver-implemented EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveConfigureDmaChannel event callback function. This member is optional and can be set to NULL to indicate that the driver does not implement the function.


A pointer to the driver-implemented EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification event callback function. This member is optional and can be set to NULL to indicate that the driver does not implement the function. However, a driver that implements this function must also implement an EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCancelNewDataNotification function.


A pointer to the driver-implemented EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCancelNewDataNotification event callback function. This member is optional and can be set to NULL to indicate that the driver does not implement the function. However, a driver that implements this function must also implement an EvtSerCx2SystemDmaReceiveEnableNewDataNotification function.


The SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCreate method accepts a pointer to a SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG structure as an input parameter. Before calling SerCx2SystemDmaReceiveCreate, call the SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG_INIT or SERCX2_SYSTEM_DMA_RECEIVE_CONFIG_INIT_NEW_DATA_NOTIFICATION function to initialize this structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 8.1.
Header sercx.h

See also











