The IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME I/O control request is used with the USB_ROOT_HUB_NAME structure to retrieve the symbolic link name of the root hub.

IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME is a user-mode I/O control request. This request targets the USB host controller (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER).

Major code


Input buffer


Input buffer length


Output buffer

On output, the AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer member points to a USB_ROOT_HUB_NAME structure that contains the symbolic link name of the root hub. The leading "\xxx\ " text is not included in the retrieved string.

Output buffer length

The size of a USB_ROOT_HUB_NAME structure.

Status block

The USB stack sets Irp->IoStatus.Status to STATUS_SUCCESS if the request is successful. Otherwise, the USB stack sets Status to the appropriate error condition, such as STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES.

If the root hub is removed or stopped, the request returns STATUS_SUCCESS but the string is NULL.


Requirement Value
Header usbioctl.h (include Usbioctl.h)

See also