IWiaLog::Log method (wia_lh.h)

The IWiaLog::Log method is obsolete and is no longer supported. Use the Diagnostic Log Macros instead.

The IWiaLog::Log method writes a diagnostic log message to Wiaservc.log.


  [in] LONG lFlags,
  [in] LONG lResID,
       LONG lDetail,
  [in] BSTR bstrText


[in] lFlags

Specifies the type of diagnostic message. This parameter can be WIALOG_TRACE, WIALOG_WARNING or WIALOG_ERROR.

[in] lResID

Specifies the resource id. This parameter should be set to WIALOG_NO_RESOURCE_ID.


Specifies the diagnostic detail level of the message. This parameter can be one of the following values.

Level Description
WIALOG_LEVEL1 Logs entry and exit points for all WIA methods and functions.
WIALOG_LEVEL2 Logs additional details for WIALOG_LEVEL1.
WIALOG_LEVEL3 Logs entry and exit points for all WIA methods and functions and additional vendor-supplied functions.
WIALOG_LEVEL4 Logs additional details for WIALOG_LEVEL3.
WIALOG_LEVELXXX User-defined log levels.

[in] bstrText

Specifies the error text. The error text should be prefixed with the full name of the method or function and generate the message in the format of "class::method, error-text".

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the method fails, it returns a standard COM error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Obsolete and is no longer supported. Instead, use the Diagnostic Log Macros.
Target Platform Desktop
Header wia_lh.h (include Wia_lh.h)