IWiaDrvItem::AddItemToFolder method (wiamindr_lh.h)

The AddItemToFolder method adds an IWiaDrvItem item to a folder in a driver item tree.


HRESULT AddItemToFolder(
  IWiaDrvItem *__MIDL__IWiaDrvItem0004



pIParent [in, optional]

Points to the IWiaDrvItem parent folder item.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the method fails because an invalid pIParent parameter is passed, it returns E_INVALIDARG. If the method fails for another reason, it returns a standard COM error code.


Minidrivers typically use the AddItemToFolder method to add an item to a parent folder item in a driver item tree. The parent folder item is pointed to by the parameter pIParent. The item pointed to by pIParent must be a folder.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header wiamindr_lh.h (include Wiamindr.h)

See also

