IWiaDrvItem::FindChildItemByName method (wiamindr_lh.h)

The IWiaDrvItem::FindChildItemByName method searches the driver item tree for a specific child item.


HRESULT FindChildItemByName(
  BSTR        __MIDL__IWiaDrvItem0010,
  IWiaDrvItem **__MIDL__IWiaDrvItem0011



bstrChildItemName [in]

Specifies a string containing the name with path information of the child item to find.


ppIChildItem [out, optional]

Points to a memory location that will receive the address of the found IWiaDrvItem child item.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it stores a pointer to the found child item in ppIChildItem and returns S_OK. If the method fails to find the child item, it returns S_FALSE. If the method fails for another reason, it returns a standard COM error code.


Minidrivers typically use this method to search a driver item tree for a specific child item when the child item's name is known. The child item's full name is obtained in the method IWiaDrvItem::GetFullItemName.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header wiamindr_lh.h (include Wiamindr.h)

See also


