IWiaDrvItem::GetItemFlags method (wiamindr_lh.h)

The IWiaDrvItem::GetItemFlags method gets the item flags of the current IWiaDrvItem item.


HRESULT GetItemFlags(
  LONG *__MIDL__IWiaDrvItem0000



plFlags [out]

Points to a memory location that will receive the item flags.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it places the item flag values in the location pointed to by plFlags and returns S_OK. If the pointer plFlags is invalid, the method returns E_INVALIDARG. If the method fails for another reason, it returns a standard COM error code.


The method places the current IWiaDrvItem item's flag values in the location pointed to by pIFlags. The item's flag values were set when the item was created by the driver services library function wiasCreateDrvItem.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header wiamindr_lh.h (include Wiamindr.h)

See also

