wiauRegGetDwordW function (wiautil.h)

The wiauRegGetDword function gets a DWORD value from the DeviceData section of the registry.


HRESULT wiauRegGetDwordW(
  [in]  HKEY   hkKey,
  [in]  PCWSTR pwszValueName,
  [out] DWORD  *pdwValue


[in] hkKey

Specifies the registry key handle. This parameter should be set to the value pointed to by the phkeyDeviceData parameter when wiauRegOpenData returns.

[in] pwszValueName

Points to the first byte of a Unicode string containing the name of the registry entry.

[out] pdwValue

Pointer to a memory location that receives the returned DWORD value.

Return value

On success, the function returns S_OK. If the function fails, it returns a standard COM error.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header wiautil.h (include Wiautil.h)

See also

