winddiui.h header
This header is used by print. For more information, see:
winddiui.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DevQueryPrintEx A printer interface DLL's DevQueryPrintEx function determines if a specified print job is compatible with the printer's current configuration and can therefore be printed. |
DrvConvertDevMode A printer interface DLL's DrvConvertDevMode function converts a printer's DEVMODEW structure from one version to another. |
DrvDeviceCapabilities A printer interface DLL's DrvDeviceCapabilities function returns requested information about a printer's capabilities. |
DrvDevicePropertySheets A printer interface DLL's DrvDevicePropertySheets function is responsible for creating property sheet pages that describe a printer's properties. |
DrvDocumentEvent A printer interface DLL's DrvDocumentEvent function can handle certain events associated with printing a document. |
DrvDocumentPropertySheets A printer interface DLL's DrvDocumentPropertySheets function is responsible for creating property sheet pages that describe a print document's properties. |
DrvDriverEvent The print spooler calls a printer interface DLL's DrvDriverEvent function when the spooler processes driver-specific events that might require action by the printer driver. |
DrvPrinterEvent A printer interface DLL's DrvPrinterEvent function is called by the print spooler when processing printer-specific events that might require action by the printer driver. |
DrvQueryColorProfile The DrvQueryColorProfile function allows a printer interface DLL to specify an ICC profile to use for color management. |
DrvQueryJobAttributes The DrvQueryJobAttributes function allows a printer interface DLL to specify support for such capabilities as printing multiple document pages on a physical page (N-up printing), printing multiple copies of each page, collating pages, and printing pages in reverse order. |
DrvSplAbort The DrvSplAbort function is obsolete. |
DrvSplClose The DrvSplClose function is obsolete. |
DrvSplDeviceCaps A printer interface DLL's DrvSplDeviceCaps function queries a printer for its capabilities. |
DrvSplEndDoc The DrvSplEndDoc function is obsolete. |
DrvSplEndPage This topic describes the DrvSplEndPage function. |
DrvSplStartDoc This topic describes the DrvSplStartDoc function. |
DrvSplStartPage This topic describes the DrvSplStartPage function. |
DrvSplWritePrinter This topic describes the DrvSplWritePrinter function. |
DrvUpgradePrinter A printer interface DLL's DrvUpgradePrinter function is used for updating a printer's registry settings when a new version of the driver is added to a system. |
ATTRIBUTE_INFO_1 The ATTRIBUTE_INFO_1 structure is used as a parameter for a printer interface DLL's DrvQueryJobAttributes function. All member values are function-supplied. |
ATTRIBUTE_INFO_2 The ATTRIBUTE_INFO_2 structure is used as a parameter for a printer interface DLL's DrvQueryJobAttributes function. All member values are function-supplied. |
ATTRIBUTE_INFO_3 The ATTRIBUTE_INFO_3 structure is used as a parameter for a printer interface DLL's DrvQueryJobAttributes function. All member values are function-supplied. |
ATTRIBUTE_INFO_4 The ATTRIBUTE_INFO_4 structure is used as a parameter for a printer interface DLL's DrvQueryJobAttributes function. |
DEVICEPROPERTYHEADER The DEVICEPROPERTYHEADER structure is used as an input parameter to a printer interface DLL's DrvDevicePropertySheets function. |
DEVQUERYPRINT_INFO The DEVQUERYPRINT_INFO structure is used as an input parameter to a printer interface DLL's DevQueryPrintEx function. |
DOCEVENT_CREATEDCPRE The DOCEVENT_CREATEDCPRE structure contains a set of values used in certain calls to DrvDocumentEvent and IPrintOemUI2::DocumentEvent. |
DOCEVENT_ESCAPE The DOCEVENT_ESCAPE structure is a container for values used as parameters for the ExtEscape function. |
DOCEVENT_FILTER The DOCEVENT_FILTER structure contains a list of document events to which the printer driver will respond. See DrvDocumentEvent for a complete list of the document events. |
DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER The DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure is used as an input parameter to a printer interface DLL's DrvDocumentPropertySheets function. |
DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_1 The DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_1 structure is used as an input to a printer interface DLL's DrvUpgradePrinter function. |
DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_2 The DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_2 structure is used as an input to a printer interface DLL's DrvUpgradePrinter function. |
PRINTER_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES_INFO The PRINTER_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES_INFO structure contains the former attributes and the new attributes for a printer. |
PRINTPROCESSOR_CAPS_1 Learn more about: _PRINTPROCESSOR_CAPS_1 structure |