The !ndiskd.netrb extension displays information about a NET_RING_BUFFER structure.
For more information about the Network Adapter WDF Class Extension (NetAdapterCx), see Network Adapter WDF Class Extension (Cx).
!ndiskd.netrb -handle <x> [-basic] [-dump] [-elementtype <str>]
Required. Address of a NET_RING_BUFFER.
Displays basic information.
Displays information about each element in the NET_RING_BUFFER.
A string for the data type to use when referring to a ring buffer element.
Note See Summary of Objects to see a diagram explaining the relationship of the NET_RING_BUFFER object with other objects in the NetAdapterCx.
To obtain a handle for a NET_RING_BUFFER, follow these steps:
- Run the !ndiskd.netadapter extension.
- Click on the handle for a NetAdapter that has a NetAdapterCx driver installed.
- Click the "More Information" link to the right of the NetAdapter's NETADAPTER object to run the !ndiskd.cxadapter extension.
- Enter the !ndiskd.cxadapter command with the -datapath parameter to see that NETADAPTER's datapath queues.
- Click on the handle for one of the datapath queues.
For details on Steps 1-4 of this procedure, see the examples on the !ndiskd.cxadapter topic. For details on Step 5 of this procedure, see the examples on the !ndiskd.netqueue topic. In the following example, look for the handle for this NETTXQUEUE's ring buffer, ffffd1022d000000.
0: kd> !ndiskd.netqueue ffffd1022f512700
NETTXQUEUE 00002efdd0aed9a8
Ring buffer ffffd1022d000000
Switch to EC thread
Event Callbacks Function pointer Symbol (if available)
EvtQueueAdvance fffff80034152af8 RtEthSample+2af8
EvtQueueArmNotification fffff80034159a94 RtEthSample+9a94
EvtQueueCancel fffff800341598d8 RtEthSample+98d8
By clicking on the handle for the ring buffer or by entering the !ndiskd.netrb -handle command on the command line, you can see details for this NET_RING_BUFFER, including how many elements it contains and the address of its Begin and End indices.
0: kd> !ndiskd.netrb ffffd1022d000000
NET_RING ffffd1022d000000
Number of elements 0x080
Owned by OS 0x080
Owned by Client 00000
Begin Index 0x078 (ffffd1022d003c40 - NET_PACKET)
Next Index 0x078 (ffffd1022d003c40 - NET_PACKET)
End Index 0x078 (ffffd1022d003c40 - NET_PACKET)
List all elements
To see this NET_RING_BUFFER's elements, either click the "List all elements" link at the bottom of its details or enter the !ndiskd.netrb -dump command on the command line. The following example has had the middle elements excised for brevity.
0: kd> !ndiskd.netrb ffffd1022d000000 -dump
[000] ffffd1022d000040 - NET_PACKET
[001] ffffd1022d0000c0 - NET_PACKET
[002] ffffd1022d000140 - NET_PACKET
[003] ffffd1022d0001c0 - NET_PACKET
[004] ffffd1022d000240 - NET_PACKET
[005] ffffd1022d0002c0 - NET_PACKET
[07b] ffffd1022d003dc0 - NET_PACKET
[07c] ffffd1022d003e40 - NET_PACKET
[07d] ffffd1022d003ec0 - NET_PACKET
[07e] ffffd1022d003f40 - NET_PACKET
[07f] ffffd1022d003fc0 - NET_PACKET
Windows Vista and Later Networking Reference