The !usbkd.usbdpc command displays information stored in an _XDPC_CONTEXT structure.
!usbkd.usbdpc StructAddr
Address of a usbport!_XDPC_CONTEXT structure. To get the XDPC list for a USB host controller, use the !usbkd.usbhcdext command.
Here is one way to find the address of a usbport!_XDPC_CONTEXT structure. First enter !usbkd.usb2tree.
0: kd> !usbkd.usb2tree
UHCI MINIPORT(s) dt usbport!_USBPORT_MINIPORT_DRIVER ffffe00001e77010
4)!uhci_info ffffe00001c7d1a0 !devobj ffffe00001c7d050 PCI: VendorId...
In the preceding output, the address of the device extension of the FDO is displayed as the argument of the DML command !uhci_info ffffe00001c7d1a0.
Either click the DML command or pass the address of the device extension to !usbhcdext to get the XDPC list.
0: kd> !usbkd.usbhcdext ffffe00001c7d1a0
## XDPC List
01) dt USBPORT!_XDPC_CONTEXT ffffe00001c7df18
02) dt USBPORT!_XDPC_CONTEXT ffffe00001c7db88
03) dt USBPORT!_XDPC_CONTEXT ffffe00001c7dd50
04) dt USBPORT!_XDPC_CONTEXT ffffe00001c7e0e0
In the preceding output, ffffe00001c7df18
is the address of an _XDPC_CONTEXT structure. Pass this address to !usbdpc.
0: kd> !usbkd.usbdpc ffffe00001c7df18
dt USBPORT!_XDPC_CONTEXT ffffe00001c7df18
## XDPC HISTORY (latest at bottom)
[01] Ev_Xdpc_End XDPC_Running XDPC_Enabled
[02] Ev_Xdpc_Signal XDPC_Enabled XDPC_DpcQueued
[03] Ev_Xdpc_Signal XDPC_DpcQueued XDPC_DpcQueued
[04] Ev_Xdpc_Worker XDPC_DpcQueued XDPC_Running
[05] Ev_Xdpc_Signal XDPC_Running XDPC_Signaled
[06] Ev_Xdpc_End XDPC_Signaled XDPC_DpcQueued
[07] Ev_Xdpc_Worker XDPC_DpcQueued XDPC_Running
[08] Ev_Xdpc_End XDPC_Running XDPC_Enabled