How to create a custom driver installation script

If your deployment scenario requires more than installing the driver package on the test computers, you can choose to run your own custom command scripts upon installation.



Step 1: To run your own custom command scripts upon installation

From the project property pages for your driver package, you can configure whether you want to automatically deploy a driver package on a test computer. You can also run a custom installation script from these pages. You can choose to deploy the driver automatically whenever you build the driver solution in each configuration. For more information about deployment, see Deploying a Driver to a Test Computer and Deployment Properties for Driver Projects.

  1. Open the property pages for your driver package project. Select and hold (or right-click) the driver project in Solution Explorer and select Properties.

  2. In the property pages for the driver package, select Configuration Properties, select Driver Settings, and then select Deployment.

  3. Select Enable deployment and then select the test computer to use.

  4. Select Custom Command Line. In the box, type custom command scripts that you want to run upon installation.

  5. In the Additional Files text box, add the command script and other installation files to be copied to the test computer. When the driver is deployed, the additional files are copied to the %Systemdrive%\drivertest\drivers folder on the remote computer.