InfVerif /h


InfVerif /h was introduced in Windows 11, version 24H2.

InfVerif /h is a new mode of InfVerif that validates using a set of INF requirements that change with each release to align with the requirements for a WHQL signature from Hardware Dev Center. Over time, the requirements will become stricter and will eventually align with driver package isolation requirements.

InfVerif /h examines all the OS versions where the INF may install, and evaluates the INF using the appropriate rules for that OS version automatically. For example, in an INF file that uses version decorations to change the behavior for different OS versions:

Contoso = Models, NTAMD64, NTAMD64.10.0...22000

InfVerif /h will internally validate this INF twice, once validating the [Models] section [Models.NTAMD64] using the rules for build 21999 (the highest OS version where that [Models] section will be used), and once validating the [Models] section [Models.NTAMD64.10.0...22000] using the latest ruleset. An INF file that only has a single [Models] section will only be validated against the latest ruleset.


To use InfVerif /h using the default behavior:

infverif.exe /h <INF file> [<INF file>]

InfVerif /h also allows you to specify the highest ruleset that InfVerif will use using the '/rulever' argument, for example:

infverif.exe /h /rulever NTAMD64.10.0...17763 <INF file>

Using the '/rulever' argument may cause some portions of the INF to be ignored. Using the above arguments with the previous example, the [Models] section [Models.NTAMD64] will be validated using the rules for build 17763, and [Models.NTAMD64.10.0...22000] will not be validated since the specified ruleset does not apply to it.

Adding the verbose option will cause InfVerif to print out the maximum ruleset used during its evaluation:

> infverif.exe /h /v <INF file>

Running in Verbose
Running signature requirements check
Using rules from OS build: 10.0.26080

> infverif.exe /h /rulever NTAMD64.10.0...17763 <INF file>

Running in Verbose
Running signature requirements check
Using rules from OS build: 10.0.17763

InfVerif /h can also use a future ruleset. There is a built-in 'vnext' OS version that will use the rules expected to be required one OS release in the future. The rules enforced by 'vnext' are not final and subject to change for the final release, but are intended to provide a good insight into future requirements.

infverif.exe /h /rulever vnext <INF file>


The InfVerif /h rulesets are aligned with the requirements of the WHCP program. The requirements are defined as the full driver package isolation requirements, with some set of exceptions applied to the requirements. Some exceptions will be removed each release until InfVerif /h enforces all driver package isolation requirements.


Any exceptions listed below should not be used, as the usage of them will no longer be allowed in an upcoming release.

Current Requirements as of April 2024

INF files must not modify any global registry locations and instead only use the HKR registry root to modify or create registry information with an AddReg directive. The following paths are current exceptions to this requirement:

Root Subkey
HKLM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Analog\Providers
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cellular\MVSettings\DeviceSpecific\CellUX
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\Readers
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\DRM_RNG
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Palm\DelayManipulationDuration
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\OEM\QuickActions\ColorProfileQuickAction
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\AudioInput
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AdaptiveDisplayBrightness
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desc
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ICM
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGlDrivers
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\ScCertProp
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Audio
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability\UserDefined
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
HKLM SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
HKLM SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation
HKLM SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Khronos
HKLM SOFTWARE\WowAA32Node\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation

File Paths
DIRID 13 must be specified in the INF as the destination location for all entries in the [DestinationDirs] section. The following values are exceptions to this requirement:

DIRID 16422
DIRID 16425
DIRID 16426
DIRID 16427
DIRID 16428
DIRID 66000
DIRID 66001
DIRID 66002
DIRID 66003
DIRID 66004