Enumerating Extended Formats

The DirectX 9.0 runtime must verify which extended nonstandard display modes that a driver supports before performing any operations using those display modes. To verify the number of nonstandard display modes that the driver supports, the runtime sends a GetDriverInfo2 request using the D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETEXTENDEDMODECOUNT value. If the driver does not support any nonstandard display modes, it returns zero in the dwModeCount member of the DD_GETEXTENDEDMODECOUNTDATA structure for this request. To receive information about each supported nonstandard display mode, the runtime sends a GetDriverInfo2 request using the D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETEXTENDEDMODE value for each mode. The driver then returns a D3DDISPLAYMODE structure that specifies the nonstandard display mode in the mode member of the DD_GETEXTENDEDMODEDATA structure. For more information about GetDriverInfo2, see Supporting GetDriverInfo2. For more information about D3DDISPLAYMODE, see the latest DirectX SDK documentation.