Reporting Capabilities for Shader 2 Support

The DirectX 9.0 version driver for a display device that supports pixel or vertex shader version 2.0 and later must indicate that it supports the following capabilities:

If a device supports vertex shader 2.0 and later, its driver must set the members of the D3DCAPS9 structure to the following values:

  • Set the MaxStreams member to be at least 8 to indicate that the device can handle 8 or more concurrent data streams.

  • Set the D3DDTCAPS_UBYTE4 bit in the DeclTypes member to 1 to indicate support of the UBYTE4 vertex element type. For more information, see Reporting Support of UBYTE4 Vertex Element.

If a device supports pixel shader 2.0 and later, its driver must configure the following bits in the TextureCaps member to indicate whether the driver supports 2-D texture mapping as nonpowers-of-2 conditionally or unconditionally. For more information, see the description of these bits in the D3DPRIMCAPS reference page.

  • Set the D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 and D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL bits to 1 to indicate conditional support.

  • Set the D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 and D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL bits to 0 (that is, do not set these bits) to indicate unconditional support.