Loading and unloading a minifilter

This article explains how file system minifilter drivers (minifilters) can be dynamically loaded and unloaded in a Windows environment. It covers the initialization and registration process, instance management, and the teardown procedures for ensuring proper cleanup and resource management during driver unload operations.


A minifilter is loaded according to existing load order group definitions if the minifilter's INF file specifies a driver start type of SERVICE_BOOT_START, SERVICE_SYSTEM_START, or SERVICE_AUTO_START. This loading order supports interoperability with legacy filter drivers. It can be loaded at any time while the system is running.

A minifilter can be loaded in the following ways while the system is running:

  • Through a service start request (sc start, net start, or the service APIs).

  • Through an explicit load request (fltmc load, FltLoadFilter, or FilterLoad).

The Filter Manager (FltMgr) calls the minifilter's DriverEntry routine once the driver is loaded. At this time, the minifilter can perform initialization that will apply to all instances of the minifilter. Within its DriverEntry routine, the minifilter calls FltRegisterFilter to register callback routines with FltMgr and FltStartFiltering to notify FltMgr that the minifilter is ready to start attaching to volumes and filtering I/O requests.

Minifilter driver instances are defined in the INF file used to install the minifilter. A minifilter's INF file must define a default instance, and it can define additional instances. These definitions apply across all volumes. Each instance definition includes the instance name, its altitude, and flags that indicate whether the instance can be attached automatically, manually, or both. The default instance is used to order minifilters so that FltMgr calls the minifilter's mount and instance setup callback routines in the correct order. The default instance is also used with explicit attachment requests when the caller doesn't specify an instance name.

FltMgr automatically notifies a minifilter about an available volume by calling its InstanceSetupCallback routine on the first create operation after the volume is mounted. This call can occur:

  • Before FltStartFiltering returns, when FltMgr enumerates existing volumes at system startup.

  • During runtime, when a volume is mounted or as a result of an explicit attachment request (fltmc attach, FltAttachVolume, or FilterAttach).


A minifilter instance is torn down when:

  • The minifilter is unloaded.

  • The volume that the minifilter instance is attached to is being dismounted.

  • An explicit detach request is made (fltmc detach, FltDetachVolume, or FilterDetach). If the minifilter registers an InstanceQueryTeardownCallback routine, it can fail an explicit detach request by calling FilterDetach or FltDetachVolume.

The teardown proceeds as follows:

  • If the minifilter registered an InstanceTeardownStartCallback callback routine, FltMgr calls it at the beginning of the teardown process. In this routine, the minifilter should:

    • Complete all pending operations.
    • Cancel or complete other work such as I/O requests generated by the minifilter.
    • Stop queuing new work items.
  • During instance teardown:

    • Any currently executing preoperation or postoperation callback routines continue normal processing.
    • Any I/O request that is waiting for a postoperation callback can be "drained" or canceled.
    • Any I/O requests generated by the minifilter continue normal processing until they're complete.
  • If the minifilter registered an InstanceTeardownCompleteCallback routine, FltMgr calls this routine after all outstanding I/O operations are completed. In this routine, the minifilter closes any files that are still open.

  • After all outstanding references to the instance are released, FltMgr deletes remaining contexts and the instance is completely torn down.

A minifilter can be unloaded in the following ways while the system is running:

  • Through a service stop request (sc stop, net stop, or the service APIs).

  • Through an explicit unload request (fltmc unload, FltUnloadFilter, or FilterUnload). The minifilter will be unloaded regardless of any dependencies registered to the service control manager (SCM).

A minifilter's FilterUnloadCallback routine is called when the minifilter is unloaded. This routine closes any open communication server ports, calls FltUnregisterFilter, and performs any needed cleanup. Registering this routine is optional. However, if the minifilter doesn't register a FilterUnloadCallback routine, the minifilter can't be unloaded. For more information about this routine, see Writing a FilterUnloadCallback Routine.

Filter Manager Routines for Loading and Unloading minifilters

FltMgr provides the following support routines for explicit load and unload requests, which can be issued from user mode or kernel mode:

The following routines are used to register and unregister callback routines for instance setup and teardown:

Minifilter Driver Callback Routines for Instance Setup, Teardown, and Unload

The following minifilter driver callback routines are stored as members of the FLT_REGISTRATION structure that is passed as a parameter to FltRegisterFilter:

Callback Routine Member Name Callback Routine Type
InstanceTeardownCompleteCallback PFLT_INSTANCE_TEARDOWN_CALLBACK